Apply shaders in RGUI, possible?

Hi there!

I was thinking: since RGUI is a simple low-res menu (and a fantastic one at that!), would it be possible to have shaders applied to it? That would make the menu look coherent with the games themselves, for arcade setups and the like. So, is that possible at all? If so, how?

Not currently possible, no. Being able to apply shaders on top of any of the menus would be nice, since, for example, the XMB ribbon could really use some anti-aliasing, but it would take a significant restructuring of the rendering pipeline to make it happen.

Oww… would be very cool! Imagine the box arts in CRT-like shaders to chose the game, etc

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As much as I would love for RGUI to share the same “simulated dispay” as the games, a failsafe would probably be needed to prevent the text from becoming unreadable.

It would also allow for a nice blurring effect of the paused game in the background!