I am not an expert either, nor do I want to be. I have as much esteem for lawyers as I do for mechanics.
There are many reasons to sue, but the main one is, if it has economic benefit. Besides, you have to take into account that in ancient times there were not many things clear and globalization was not as effective as it is now.
And without going into detail of the countries that are pirate factories and proceeding with lawsuits is impossible.
In the case of Roland, the little I could find out, is that the MT-32 does not have a clear license and can be “taken” without permission, but at the same time no, because the sources were included in the ROM of the SC-55 and this one does have a very solid and clear license.
This has a “collateral damage”, even if Roland wants to make the MT-32 fonts public, he can’t, because he has to change the license of the SC-55 and other derivative products, this may not be convenient or he doesn’t want to do it.
The author is the owner of the work and has rights. This right can be transferred, but the author will always be the same.
What changes is the license of use, it is what clarifies how and for what it is going to be used…
The license of these products allows you to make “derivative works” (or something like that). You can make music, you can make other samples, give them away or sell them.
What you can’t do is to rip the sources, or record the identical sound externally.
In the case of the digital ones it is easy to recognize.
But it is also possible to recognize the recorded ones, an audio file is a fingerprint and some have sound keys deeply hidden in case of theft.
The only way to record the fonts and market them legally is to distort them so much that they look like a “derivative work” (or something like that).
Please, I’m not against it, I am very altruistic…
But if someone posts the fonts of SoundCanvas and I say, that’s copyrighted, you can’t reply, “it’s the same name, but it’s not the same”, in an adult conversation you can’t talk like that.
Now, this “save the sources” thing can become a parable… I will share an image of the brave browser.
By the way, the first thing I was going to tell you is that it is very interesting that I make music, in RetroArch there are people to make a videogame
If you are a musician with a trained ear, just listening to the sources, you can tell if it is the original SC-55 or an imitation.