Artworks... The next elegy?

Recently I was surprised by the news that some categories of “Progetto SNAPS”, were offline. Specifically the artworks categories…

11/21/2024 Some pages offline
Due to some “alleged” copyright violations of some materials made available by this site, the pages pertaining to: CPanel, Flyers, Manuals and Marquees are currently offline. Same for the Covers and Manuals resources inherent Software Lists. We apologize for the problem and are working to resolve it. Thank you all.

But I’m more surprised that they didn’t do it sooner, because all artwork has the same copyright as software and the same license as hardware.

Although it seems to have found a solution, it is called “fair use”.

I know where that law fits in this case, I have a feeling it has more to do with “legal department of the rights-holdin” (initiating a legal process costs a lot of money).

The emulation community needs two things to be a little more secure.

A preservation association/foundation, made up of (all or the main) emulation projects. With rules, foundations and solid legal assistance.

An informative/educational website for graphic and related content, with scraper utility.