Auto Load Core Configs

How do I set up RetroArch to load a different config file depending on the core selected?

I have downloaded RetroArch 1.6.0, and am trying to set it up. The eventual goal is to give it to my 6 year old to play with, so things need to be easy to use.

I have RetroArch in one directory, let’s call it C:/main.

I have loadable assets in various other directories, such as:

  • C:/foo/emulator1
  • C:/foo/emulator1/roms
  • C:/foo/emulator1/saves

I would like to start RetroArch from C:/main, but when I go to play a game, such as Super Mario 64, and it loads a specific core, I want it to load specific core options from:


Ideally n64.cfg would only detail changes from C:/main/retroarch.cfg.

So, how do I convince RetroArch to do this? Telling a 6 year old to go in and select change configuration each and every time will not end well.

We have the config override system, where you setup a basic set of options and then when you load a core, certain options are overridden as needed.

If you want to load entirely different configs, the easiest way is probably to use a launcher like hyperspin/emulationstation/launchbox/etc. and use the -c /path/to/config.cfg command line switch with your launch commands.

Config override sounds like exactly what I want, however there doesn’t appear to be a wiki page for it. Do you have a link to a discussion of how to implement this?

@moviebird It is true that docs are needed for the override system. I have taken the liberty of creating an “Issue” on github which requests the creation of docs to make this process more accessible.

It’s pretty easy these days: just start a core and some content, change the options you want to change (with some exceptions; button mapping and shaders are handled elsewhere, in the core input remapping and core shader presets, respectively) and then go to the quick menu and ‘save core/game override’. From then on, when you load that core or game (depending on which one you chose), it’ll print some text in the corner saying the override is loaded, those settings will be applied, and further settings changes will no longer be saved unless/until you overwrite the override by saving another one. (this is a precaution to make sure that your override settings don’t start polluting your main config)

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So for those who, like me, feel more comfortable editing text files offline you can copy config options into a file named:

CoreName SystemName.cfg

located in RetroArch/config. I would very much prefer to place these override files in a location of my choosing, but it does not appear that that flexibility is currently given to users.

Also, the override settings are not saving Savefile and Satestate directories. These are the most important options to me, and I need to be able to change save locations based on system type.

As an aside, are there any shaders that work with the ParaLLEI core at this point? And how would I go about assigning a shader preset for a core to use at all times?

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