Auto Save State is a great feature, *but*

Is there a way to make it autosave to slot 0, instead of whatever current slot I’m using when I decide to exit?

For example, If I have a special game on slot #5, I don’t want RetroArch autosaving over it automatically, if I happened to be messing around with that particular save. I would like it to autosave to slot#0 by default, and only slot#0. Is there a way to do this?

How do you go about manually loading that slot? I don’t want it to autoload, but I’d like to be able to choose to resume the last session. Can I do that?

Edit: Hold on, let me do some testing here, maybe I can answer my own question.

Ahhh that sucks… I tried the latest nightly from a few weeks ago, and it was unusable to me… couldn’t use hotkey+menu to go back to the game from the menu, core overrides didn’t save turbo keys for NES, and other things that I considered downgrades.

Thanks for your help by the way.

Cool, I’ll be glad when it’s back.

Sorry, let me restate that. I mean “Configuration per core.” They did away with that in favor of the overrides. Just to make sure we’re talking about the same thing, here’s a screenshot. In the main input settings (not the per core stuff in the quick menu) I want “User 1 Turbo enable” set to L2 for Nestopia, and I want it off for Mednafen Playstation. Last time I tried, whatever you have set to the turbo key stays from core to core.

Do you happen to know if there is a command line option to ‘close content’? I could make my keymapper software load a batch file to ‘close content,’ then close retroarch. :slight_smile: