Is there any way to get Mupen64 to automatically select the correct native resolution for N64 games?
I figured out the reason many games have letterboxing is because they aren’t being displayed in the correct native res. 320x240 is not correct, it’s off by a few pixels. Different games used different resolutions; they didn’t have a standard resolution on the N64 for some reason.
As an example, Mario 64 shows letterboxing in 320x240 (core options) in fullscreen mode. It doesn’t fill the 4:3 area as it should - the game always filled the 4:3 area on an actual console hooked up to a TV. To get it to fill the 4:3 area I have to manually set a custom resolution in RA to 1440x1150 (UL and BR 240, -36).
It would be nice if Mupen64 would automatically detect the game’s resolution and adjust accordingly. I’m guessing that this isn’t a feature yet. If so, it would be really awesome to have in a future version of RA.
more info here: