Beetle PSX Crash + Options Weirdness

Hi all,

I’ve got a weird issue. Just picked up an Intel NUC6i5SYH and am trying to get my media setup working on it. I’ve built this system to the same basic architecture that I’ve got going on another of my computers - Windows on C:, emulators on D:. In fact, I copied my emulators directory wholesale from the other box - where everything is working fine - to the NUC. Mind, the other box has a GTX1070 in it and this is Iris 540, so there is that architecture difference, though they’re both Skylake i5 CPUs. Both are running Windows 7 and both have 16GB of RAM. Note that I’ve got it running bsnes_mercury_performance fine. It’s Retroarch 1.36 and Mednafen PSX HW 99747d4.

There are two issues. The first is that when I open Quick Menu->Options on the NUC, Retroarch tells me “No core options available.” This is, to say the least, quite weird. I have no idea what could be causing this.

The second is whenever I actually load a game, Retroarch CTDs with the “Retroarch has stopped working” message. Using the following command line from Advanced Launcher (kodi): retroarch.exe -f -L cores\mednafen_psx_hw_libretro.dll --config config\mednafen_psx_hw_libretro.dll.cfg <path_to_disc_image>

I added --verbose --log ralog.txt to the command line but there doesn’t seem to be anything fishy in the log. Here’s a paste with both the log and the config I’m using:

To reiterate, all this works 100% fine on my other computer, which is set up with exactly the same paths and files and disc images. If I had to hazard a guess the crash has something to do with rendering, something that the GTX can do that Iris can’t? I’ve tried using the default configs too and it still crashes.

Can anyone help?

Yeah, log looks okay. Not seeing any core options is normal; they won’t show up until you’ve loaded up some content.

Since you’re using the vulkan renderer, does other vulkan stuff work for you? I know Intel integrated has had some issues with vulkan…

Honestly, I haven’t had the opportunity to try other vulkan stuff. this is a fairly new build, about a week old, and most of that time has been spent configuring and tweaking. The vulkan renderer seems to be a core option though, not an emulator option (emulator is set to gl); I can’t get into the core settings without loading a game and I’m not seeing anything mentioning vulkan in the configs. What should I tweak?