Beetle Saturn - Performance problems on an i7-4790k

Things I have tried, with no change at all:

  • Disabling GPU Hard Sync
  • Disabling rewind
  • Changing video driver from d3d11 to gl

Now I am very confused. Any ideas?

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Open your OS’ performance monitor while a game is running and check to make sure your CPU has one of its’ cores maxed out. If not, check your power consumption settings and make sure they’re set to ‘max performance’ and that you don’t have any weird stuff being forced in your GPU control panel.

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Thank you for your input. None of this worked. HOWEVER…

I randomly checked the “Latency” quick menu and realized that run-ahead was enabled globally.

For anyone reading in the future, only turn on run-ahead in your core overrides, and only for cores that your system can capably run-ahead.

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