Best GBA core for Android?

So which of all the gba cores for android is the best one? by best one I mean th fastest and with the less impact on battery.

gpsp is the fastest, mgba is the best otherwise.

Nice, thanks alot. btw what snes core is the best and the fastest for android?

catsfc is the fastest, snes9x (either regular or ‘next’) is more accurate if you have the CPU/battery to spare.

Thanks again! Btw the gpsp gba core crashes retroarch when trying to load a game in android. Any ideas why?

gpsp requires GBA bios. You have to put gba_bios.bin in Retroarch\system\

Thanks a lot, now it works perfectly.

Last question, so what is the best and fastest core for sega games on android?

is there a gba core that can improve on the original hardware’s spu sound? would like to try FFVI advance, but I hear the sound isn’t good compared to the snes.

One of the most accurate cores is Genesis Plus GX.

I haven’t heard of such a feature, but you can always emulate the SNES version.

As Kellhaul Pete said, genplusgx is the most accurate (and still very fast, considering) while picodrive is the fastest. Picodrive also supports 32x while genplusgx does not.

There’s also a romhack called FF6-Restored or something like that, which hacks in better audio and better music and fixes the terrible GBA colors. It still suffers from the GBA’s reduced resolution but the text font is nice and the translation is much better than the SNES original. Some purists also complain that the GBA version removes the scene where Celes gets clocked by an Empire soldier before Locke rescues her but I thought it was a throwaway scene anyway.

There’s the recent sound restoration hack for FFVI GBA that makes it close to the Snes version, as well as the color restoration hack.

I used to use a bunch of those hacks on the GBA version, but then I found the Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition hack for the SNES one. Seems to be the best of Woolsey’s translation mixed with sensible fixes from the GBA version. The performance on the SNES game is much smoother too.

Yup, FFVI on GBA was rushed and some of the Mode 7 effects were borked as a result, that, and the GBA pretty much couldn’t handle the game. The color and sound restoration make it much better, but the FF6 uncensored version adds dash feature, item and spell name fixes, among other nice features.