Big Bar on Left side of screen for Master System (and similiar issues)

Hey guys, so I read somewhere that it was possible to resize your fullscreen settings in RetroArch to get rid of the big bar on the left when playing Sega Master System.

I also have some issues with a small bar at the bottom of the Sega Genesis and of course the left-side bar on Super Mario Bros. 3 for NES.

How would one go about doing that? I’ve perused the Video options a number of times, but nothing I change seems to do much of anything as far as resizing goes.

It may be worth noting that I have everything set to 16:9 Stretched Fullscreen as well.

There are a few things you can do. Some of the cores have core options to handle some of it (Nestopia, for example, has options to crop top/bottom or left/right overscan areas), so that’s a good place to start. If that’s not sufficient, you can use the misc/image-adjustment shader, which has a bunch of options for zoom, overscan crop and overscan mask, among others, so you can play around until you get something you like.

I never would have though to check core options >.< That’s really good to know lol.

How do you change options on a shader? I thought you just picked one and applied it. lol I must have a fundamental misunderstanding of how those work.

That’s typically the case, yeah, but RetroArch supports including “runtime parameters” that users can modify on the fly. If you load up a shader (alone or a preset) and then go to ‘preview shader parameters’, there will be a list of any parameters the shader author(s) implemented and you can tweak these as you see fit. If you use the ‘menu parameters’, I believe the changes get written to your default retroarch.cgp or you can hardcode the values into your own cgp pretty easily (I’ll tell you how to do that if it becomes something you want to do).

I wondered what those menus were about, it’s good to know they are different for every shader. I’ll have to try playing with them when I get home later. Hopefully the core options will handle it, but I look forward to checking those parameters either way.

Playing with shaders gets more and more interesting every day. :slight_smile: