Bluemsx core has no Core Input Options

If this ever gets around to being worked on, I’ll be a happy camper indeed. (I’m on Windows 7 Pro, fyi)

There are no Core Input Options for the bluemsx core currently downloadable with the Core Updater. This is a problem because the default bindings for keyboard keys used in games like Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 use the Function Keys, which RetroArch has mapped to its own functions by default. I don’t want to edit RetroArch’s control scheme, I’ve totally messed up my configuration doing that before to where I could not properly operate the menu to change it back.

I can see the difficulty in having Core Input Options for bluemsx, there are a lot of keys on the keyboard. But Metal Gear 1 and 2 are basically unplayable until such time as Core Input Options can be included with the bluemsx core…F1-F5 do things like call up the Transceiver, call up the Inventory menu, call up the Weapon menu, call up the Save menu. Remapping these to the controller should be possible, I’d like to think?

What’s the story, morning glory? :slight_smile:

If you map retroarch’s “hotkey enable”, it makes the frontend stop listening for keypresses unless you’re holding that key so you can use the keyboard for the core without triggering a bunch of frontend events.

So the functions of the Function Keys that are specific to RetroArch will not happen unless I hold those keys for a specific amount of time, provided I enable the “hotkey enable” function in the Input settings for RetroArch?

If I’m understanding you correctly?

Close, they won’t happen unless you hold the hotkey_enable button and then press them. For example, if you map it to right-shift, you would have to hold rshift+f to toggle fullscreen.

Ah, even more intuitive.

I’d still like to officially request Core Input Options, but I understand these things take time.

Thanks, dude!

EDIT: I tried setting a hotkey, rshift as you suggested, but the bluemsx core still does not recognize the Function Buttons. Does this have something to do with the onscreen keyboard toggle I noticed in the hotkey mapping menu?

Hi there. Did any of you ever get this to work? Or find a way around it? I can’t get any keyboard input sent to retroarch with this core. Cant ‘escape’ out of the emulator. Can’t even start most games because they require some sort of keyboard input (e.g. 1 - for 1-player-game). I googled the issue, but it seems I’m the only one who has a problem with this. Am I doing something wrong?

All the other cores I use work perfectly. The hatari-core (which i use for AtariST emulation) also requires keyboard input every now and then, but they have a very good solutuion for that. One of the buttons on your gamepad gets assigned to a ‘on-screen-keyboard’ which pops-up by pressing a button. I guess that’s just built in to the hatari core, but it would be a good solution for bluemsx-core too.

In the regular bluemsx emulator everything works fine btw, but I’d rather use RetroArch for as many systems as possible.

We need the “enable hotkey” activation to disable Retroarch hotkeys like said above and you need to go to settings->input and change input 1 to retro-keyboard. …yes you lose the joypad then. :frowning:

It’s missing a core control option to have retro-pad + retro-keyboard activated simultaneously.

Found an easy work-around: set the player 2 device to retrokeyboard. Then you have gamepad to player 1 and keyboard is working.

The line to add in an override config is: input_libretro_device_p2 = “3”