
Here’s a corrected version of MrRetrolust’s Megadrive overlay for those who wanna mess with it (@carlos) :

Inner bezel removed, TV tilt on left side adjusted and viewport lean adjusted. Remaining bezel can be deselected or opacity dropped…have fun :slight_smile:

Here’s the original:

I’ve also just noticed this is 1080p…i’ll upscale to 4k tomoz and spit out some png’s :slight_smile:

(note PSD is still at 1080p)

  1. Inner bezel removed.
  2. TV outer tilt straightened on left side.
  3. Remaining bezel reshaped to fit closest Uborder curvature.
  4. Remaining bezel opacity dropped to 85%.
  5. Resulting png ran through Gigapixel upscaler.
fr_zoom = "47.679241"
fr_center_x = "-6.717104"
fr_center_y = "-7.471111"
bz_ref_str = "1.000000"
bz_inner_bezel_x = "0.043000"
bz_inner_bezel_y = "0.012000"
bz_radius = "0.005000"
bz_ambient = "0.070000"
h_radius = "3.400000"
h_overscan_x = "102.799957"
h_overscan_y = "100.199997"

bz_shine_enable = "0.000000"
bz_ambient_enable = "1.000000"
bz_ambient = "0.050000"
ub_border_top = "1.000000"
bz_red = "21.000000"
bz_green = "21.000000"
bz_blue = "21.000000"
CN_BRIGHTBOOST = "1.300000"
CN_MASK_STRENGTH = "0.800000"
CN_VIG_BASE = "100.000000"
CN_VIG_EXP = "0.400001"
CN_InputGamma = "2.500001"
CN_OutputGamma = "2.200001"

So then seeing as the reflection from Uborder looks better when mixed with an actual bezel graphic… I’m thinking if I could get hold of a generic plastic arcade bezel image I could bake them into the Retrolust arcade overlays. And then match up Uborder perfectly with it. I’d be willing to first tweak the shader to the correct shape and then add the plastic bezel to suit.


Sounds a bit more complex than it was supposed to that lol…. I know what I mean :sweat_smile:

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Final iteration with a bit of curvature round the edges…inspired by the very excellent vintage TV presets from @bitman which use the equally as excellent MrRetrolust generic tv overlays.

Head over to Bitman’s own Uborder presets thread here to find out more :slight_smile:


Right then i probably should crack on with the rest of the arcade overlays. I’m thinking i should do Mikie seeing as it’s valentine’s day!



I’ve been messing with the BAOC method, i used it to first set the shape of screen to an unaltered MrRetrolust overlay.

Then i swapped to a modded overlay and zoomed the screen in until the bezel changed to a thickness and shape i was more happy with following the shape of the overlay perfectly.

Now i have an example i can work with. Because the reflection looks better on a black or coloured background i can now use this example to make a textured bezel image that i can bake into the existing overlays i have.

By switching to the BAOC method the only thing i’ll loose is the drop shadow i added to these overlays after i modded them.


So in a nutshell i’m going to attempt to make a textured plastic bezel for use with the MrRetrolust arcade overlays and the BAOC method. This way i’m hoping you’ll get bumpy textured static plastic bezels combined with the reflection.


This is the kinda look i was going for…now lets see how well the reflection looks when applied over the top!

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I use a simple noise PNG as a bump map texture in Illustrator. It allows you to add directional light to the little bumps and give them dimension.

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This gave similar results …i don’t use illustrator unfortunately :frowning:

Looks kinda nice

That looks pretty good! The Illustrator method can be scale-resolution finicky. I’ve got three textures that I use depending on the relative size of the object.

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Nearly right just need to tidy up that inside edge.

Caused by the bevel and emboss size i think (even though it’s 0 :frowning: ) …i might have to rasterize and trim it.


Now to stick the glass/perspex back over it


This shows up some rough and not quite correctly cut edges…but i think this will look great when perfected!

Maybe the texture is a bit too small to be even noticed :thinking:

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Feel free to have a try of this and give feedback :slight_smile:

Maybe this sort of texture can be added directly to the shader as an option…if that’s even possible @Hyllian

If it’s not possible i’d be prepared to add these to each overlay image i have.

On it’s own the new textured bezel looks fine but as soon as the reflection is overlayed the inner edge of the bezel seems a bit jagged.

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If you group the layer that has the effect applied, (Even just the one layer) you can apply a mask to the group. Then you don’t need to rasterize the effect.

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