Bug: Core directory doesn't save to config

As the title says. Even after changing the core directory in options and manually saving the config, after restarting the app the core directory is reset back to /data/data/com.retroarch/cores. This is especially frustrating, as I loaded a config into RetroArch with all the directories set to my SD Card. That way RetroArch would only be 2 MB on my phone storage, with everything else on the SD Card, but it doesn’t work as the core directory doesn’t save to the config.

I’m not sure why it’s not saving but dynamic libraries (i.e., cores) won’t load from removeable storage, only internal storage.

I have this problem on Shield TV also

Thought I read that the core directory is hard coded on android and cannot be changed? Maybe to guarantee that the directory has write permissions? Any change you make to that directory will revert back to the default the next time you open the application.

Unfortunately it isn’t a bug, I guess it was designed that way.