Building in Xcode 8 to iOS 10 error

I’ve been trying to build retro arch from the repository in Xcode 8 and have been getting this error: Apple LLVM 8.0 Error: No such file or directory ‘/Users/***/***/RetroArch/libreto-common/conversion/s16_to_float_neon.S’

I see the file in the root so i’m assuming i’ve missed a setting or script somewhere. Followed the instructions on building the cores and have them in the modules folder. Using the RetroArch_IOS10.xcodeproj file. There’s not a lot of documentation and i’ve searched around the forums to no avail.

Is it possible to even build to iOS 10.? Is anybody using Xcode 8.?

Im using Xcode 8 to load retroarch on iOS 10, but today noticed an issue with the latest build that says that its missing files. So what i recommend, is download an old build from buildbot, sign it and install it with xcode by pressing shift+2 and select the signed app. Thats what im doing since iOS 10 needed the cores inside modules. I made a guide of how to do it without building it from scratch.

Got the 1.3.6 2016-07-16 build signed and loaded up. Nice interface! Tried to download the cores in app but they wouldn’t save or load. Went back and dumped the cores I compiled from libretro-super into the modules directory in the .app resigned and installed. Can select a rom and cores are recognized but crashes immediately trying to launch and dumps me back to the springboard.

Guessing I either mucked up the core builds or they’re not compatible with the older retroarch build. Is there something i’m doing wrong trying to download the cores in app? Should I wait for the repository to be fixed?

Thanks so much for the help btw

Try latest cores, those ones works perfectly fine.

@Incognit Thanks for all your help! Got it working on an iPhone 6. Not as fun as building my own but i’ll give it a shot next revision.

For the record here are the steps i went through, works if you have an apple developer certificate:

  1. download latest build and cores from the builedbot archive,

  2. Unzip and copy the cores into -> Show Package Contents -> RetroArch/modules/

  3. Sign the app, easiest way i found is to use iOS App Signer , Set the Signing Certificate, Provisioning Profile and App ID and save the .ipa

  4. Use Xcode to load the .ipa using the Devices window, Window -> Devices or shift+cmd+2

  5. Launch the app on your device and wait for the assets to install

  6. Load game files in iTunes by selecting the device -> apps -> scroll down to File Sharing

  7. In RetoArch go to Load Content and fire up your favourite game

  8. if there is no gamepad controls use the in app Online Updater and select Update Overlays

Why isn’t any core for N64 in the buildbot folder? I have installed on my iPhone 6 a retroarch build that comes with pre installed mupen64plus and it’s working fine.

MrXdeCastro, welcome buddy.

Do you have this working on iOS 10?