Hi, I would like to start a discussion on what is a good hardware choice for a dedicated RA box which can be in the range of up $150 but has more power than a Raspi 3, for example. Currently, I’m thinking about buying a NUC of the current gen like NUC7PJYH2 for example. Or the 2-core variant of it. What can I expect from it? Goal is to use it for PSX, everything more would be a nice welcome. But then again, PSX on x86 does lack dynarec as I heard so it’s potentially not the fastest core. This is a different case for an Android device, like for example a FireTV. These also offer 4 cores and PCSX-ReArmed but runs on Android so how do these two compare, for example? Which would you go for? The machine would be only for RA and retrogaming, I don’t really care if it is Android or Linux, only if one of these has a major disadvantage over the other.