Cadillacs and dinossaurs bootleg the bgm sound loop version

Will it be this one?

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Turbo (bootleg set 2 (with PIC16c57), 930201 etc)

Captura de pantalla de 2024-06-25 02-59-30
Captura de pantalla de 2024-06-25 02-59-45

Natively it comes out for 3.
To see those images you have to enter the game settings (I think it’s Start + B) and select 2 Players, I removed the Demo Sound because I saw it in the video, no idea what it does.

Captura de pantalla de 2024-06-25 03-07-47


You can see the “PUSH START BUTTON…” screen in any C&D game, if you select in configuration 2 Players.

MAME, has these two hacks, but this bootleg set 2 does not play.
If the game was released on physical machine, it has dumpeo even if it is pirated.

It’s the music when the game is running its attract mode. You’d want to disable that to limit noise when there are several cabinets next to another.

I understand, then, this does not affect the game play.
Apparently there are only two (chinese-pirate) with samples in loops. FBNeo emulates both. :v:t3:

however i got title screen like this…

i need test your


edit: if you can see the “PUSH START BUTTON…” screen in any C&D game, if you select in configuration 2 Players.

then its not

nobody dump the rom yet… you must go to stage 4 boss fight listen the music

also you do get 150% damage when enemy hit you… you die in 3-5 hit always

theres more than 2 version about chinese clone pcb board

fba neo do get some of them work maybe 2 or 3

but i think total number were 6-7

some version get 150 bullets when you pick a gun… these version are forever lost…

always remember the game should always starts on stage 1

some of clone version starts stage 2… these version are joke.

  1. pickup gold dust bag get you 15 sec Invincible time
  2. you always got 3 bomb to use per life … button ‘c’ to active drop bomb.
  3. theres method/chance you get umlimited ammo when you pick gun.
  4. music loop when boss fight

the do get 1-3 work gold dust bag / bomb / unlimited ammo even 150% damage rate when gets hit by enemy.

but the music were 1:1 copy from original

Some clarifications about the “dinotpic” romset in FBNeo : this is an incomplete dump, afaik there is no known dump for the sound chips of that bootleg, hence why its music was indeed copied from the original

If you got that pcb, maybe you can get someone to dump its sound chips, the libretro forum is definitely the wrong place to search for that “someone” though.

It is the only way you can see the TWO PLAYERS screen.

I recommend you to check the HBMAME hacks.

As commented, it’s an imcomplete dump, if it has all the elements, except the loop music, it’s very sure that it’s the game.

Now I have a curiosity @BarbuDreadMon this is missing the music (sample loop) chip, but the “Dinosaur Hunter” (, if it has the music.
Maybe it is the same chip, is it possible to port it from dinohunt to dinotpic?

Does the dinohunt romset have that “loop music” ? I didn’t see this mentioned anywhere in this topic.

Replacing a romset’s roms by another romset’s rom happens all the time when a romset is incomplete, which is one of the reasons romsets get updates sometimes. Yes, dinohunt’s roms could have been used instead of dino’s.

Yes, it was the first one I mentioned, it is the only one that has the loop music, and it is identical to the videos you have shared. dinotpic does not have the loop, I got confused. But since they are clones, maybe there’s luck and it’s the same one.

It seems dinohunt’s sound won’t work with dinotpic’s program.

i test dinohunt’s sound already

it feels chunky… very bad quality

and theres only one chunky loop music every stage … even on boss fight …

thats wrong…

the un-dump pcb board sound unit got one loop music on every stage too i guess. but it feels normal

you can check the youtube video.

not like dinohunt.