Can .opt files work the same way as .cfg files?

There is a big difference in how .opt files (core options) work compared to .cfg files.

Yes, you can now also save .opt files per directory, a feature that was added recently and is very nice. However, opt files still save all of the available options in all tiers (game, directory, core).

What do i mean by that: The priority Retroarch reads any config file (both cfg and opt) is Game override first, Content directory override second and Core override last. Now let’s say i want Mario World to have a specific option that is different to all other games. Let’s say "vrr_runloop_enable = “true”. All i have to do is add this line, and ONLY this one line in the “Mario World.cfg”. I don’t have to add any other option that might be in the core or directory cfgs. The game will read those anyway, they will just be a lower priority. That means, if i change something unrelated for all SNES roms (including Super Mario World) the game will still be able to read that change from the lower tier cfgs, without affecting anything in the “Super Mario World.cfg”.

You can’t do that with .opt files. If i want a specific core option for Mario World to be changed, all other unrelated options will be still written in “Super Mario World.opt”. And if i want to change something in the SNES.opt, or SNES9x.opt, (let’s say i decided i want a different aspect ratio for all SNES games) Super Mario won’t read that change unless i also change it in the “Super Mario World.opt” file.

Basically, cfg files work together like a chain while opt files completely cancel each other.

Can this be fixed so only the changed options are saved as you go to higher priority tiers? Just like .cfgs?