Can we please fix the screen problems with the iPhone 6 plus

Please fix the input control locations on the iPhone 6 plus for n64

It’s already fixed (and has been for a long time), there just hasn’t been a release since the fix was pushed. However, there are nightly builds floating around this subforum that you can install that should work.

How do we do this? I have the same problem with my Iphone 6 but I managed to fix the screen via messing with the settings but the overlay for the controlls is still not correct.

Install an older version from bigboss repo, download one of the nightlies from gutless gnat and then overwrite the old files with the new ones. Make sure all of the permissions on the new files are read/write.

I did that but when I load up retroarch which looks new and slightly different and go into load content to choose a rom I can’t select any folders. Nothing works.

Hit the switch on top right of screen. Then you can navigate.

There’s still a problem with the n64 overlay… Or if it’s not the overlay then I don’t know what it is. Certain n64 games need the Z button and C buttons to be pressed at the same time to trigger a certain action. For instance Donkey Kong 64. To choose a weapon or throw an orange bomb you need to trigger the Z and C buttons at the same time. To say the least… Those buttons in combination don’t work. I haven’t been able to test the latest build from Xcode because every time I try to load the cores none work… Idk why (that means I can’t test the n64 overlay button issue). So I’m using a nightly build from June that works best on my non-jail broken iPhone 6S Plus. It’s a bummer that I can’t continue playing Donkey Kong 64 properly. No one has a solution up to this date… Any help please?

it’s a known issue but we don’t know what’s causing it. Presumably, it’s a bug with the overlays but I haven’t seen anyone verify that a gamepad works any better.

Hopefully someone figures out a fix.

[QUOTE=MasterVampire;28612]How do we do this? I have the same problem with my Iphone 6 but I managed to fix the screen via messing with the settings but the overlay for the controlls is still not correct.[/QUOTE]

Thanks that worked but I cant figure how how to play with my iphone on the side. I cant rotate the screen and allow rotation is enabled.

The C-/Z-button thing is fixed in git, if you can compile yourself.

I shall compile it soon. Thanx!

I have a good working nightly build from June running on my 6s plus but of course it has that C/Z button problem. I’ve tried many times and compiled RetroArch from the latest git and it indeed installs on my iPhone. However, I could never seem to get the cores to load. No matter what I do. I tried all the angles and tricks that I know. I know I’m doing something wrong. I really need a step by step guide for this one. I’ve never needed this much help with the latest build… :frowning:

I compiled from the latest git and I still have Z/C button issue. Interesting… Maybe I’m doing something wrong.

Did you compile the core or RetroArch? It’s the core that had the problem, so that’s what you would need to compile.

I compiled RetroArch. I’m not quite good at compiling the cores but I will give it a try. Can you compile the latest mupen64 core for me hunter?

It’s very great news to finally have the Z/C button fixed. However, after cloning to my desktop I couldn’t build the mupen64plus ( core for iOS 9 no matter what I did. It kept giving me errors. I tried for hours… I tried fetching and everything else possible. Many other cores I was able to fetch and build but not mupen64plus. It’s frustrating… This is all I need to complete RetroArch. If some of you have success of compiling the latest/fixed mupen64plus core for iOS 9 please share. The easiest part is code signing it which now I can do. Thanx.

We’ll have precompiled ios9 cores this week if everything goes as planned, then I guess you can just resign them

That’s good news!!! Will the cores be posted in the forums or the nightly builds section?

They’ll be posted to the nightly section of the buildbot. There will be a section for iOS9 and pre-iOS9