Cannot read/navigate folders with the # Pound sign in the name

I posted this in the Retroarch subreddit, but it’s not very active. It happens with Windows and Android

[FONT=arial]I sometimes use the #pound sign to sort folders so they’re always at the top, but Retroarch can’t navigate or even see these folders.[/FONT] [FONT=arial]It’s a real bummer because I really can’t change my folder hierarchy without changing many other apps around. I also don’t want to move my roms, but that’s obviously what I’ll end up doing for the time being.[/FONT] Anyways, just trying to bring some attention to the issue, it might be a simple fix for all I know.

Thinking about it another time, I guess it could be to do with the command line nature of Retroarch? So maybe it’s something that can’t/won’t be fixed any time soon.

I believe # is used to denote a compressed archive. For example, So, yeah, not really something we can change.