Can't change joystick controls

I’m running the core “mupen64plus_next_libretro.dll” on a laptop under Windows 10 and my gamepad’s (A generic gamepad with Playstation controls) joystick broke so I switched joystick controls to d-pad and vice versa. Frankly I prefer this as I’m more comfortable with the d-pad.

However, while my d-pad is now performing the actions assigned to the joystick, my joystick is still performing the actions assigned to the joystick instead of the d-pad (the game is “The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time,” there are no actions assigned to the d-pad.

This means the game is receiving conflicting inputs from the d-pad and the broken joystick. Why can’t I change the joystick?

I can’t exactly understand the issue. Your analog stick is broken, so you swapped its mapping to the d-pad. However, you still want a broken analog stick to behave correctly?

He wants to remap the buttons the stick had mapped to it to the dpad (I think). You can do that just go into the main input settings and making sure the dpad is mapped correctly, then go into the core settings and set the dpad to the movement keys for the core.

What I want is the broken analog and the d-pad to be switched. The game I’m playing doesn’t use the d-pad so give that to the broken stick.

The d-pad is fine, it now controls movement, but for some reason so does the broken stick. So if the stick rolls into a position (so retroarch starts getting input) it will conflict with the d-pad.

I don’t know how else to explain it, that seems pretty clear to me.

The d-pad is fine, it’s the broken stick that’s messing with things. Even though I switched controls between the stick and the d-pad (so dpad controls movement) the stick is still doing what it did before.

So now I have two things controlling movement and one of them is broken. This means the emulator gets conflicting signals if the broken stick moves in the wrong direction.

I understood the first part, about the d-pad. You wanted it to have the analog stick mapping and you seemingly did it. However, the analog stick is still broken, but you seem to keep using it? Is it broken only inside RetroArch or is it faulty in every other game?

Yeah, I got confused at this point as well. You can just unmap any controls set to the analog stick. Maybe turn off the analog to digital setting… not sure if that is conflicting. And for goodness sake, man… treat yourself to a new controller. You deserve it. :smile:

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I don’t want to use the stick, that’s why I assigned it controls the game doesn’t use. The game doesn’t use the d-pad so I assigned those controls to the broken stick. But the stick still keeps controlling my movement (the controls assigned to the d-pad).

I don’t know how else to explain it, the stick is doing the same thing as the d-pad despite being assigned different inputs, and since it’s broken it’s conflicting with the d-pad.

How do I unmap something? I thought it was the delete button, but when I press delete the broken stick just goes back to default (which is what it is doing anyways).

I can’t have the broken stick do the same thing as the dpad and that’s what it’s doing despite being assigned what retroarch calls “hat” keys.

EDIT: just to be clear, I tried both “hovering over” then delete as well as “selecting” then delete. Also I ordered a new gamepad but it came back with the wrong cord. Now I need to order another.

Alright, I have a clearer picture now. Here’s my attempt to help:

First, make sure you have any meddling external program closed, like Steam, because its overlay function conflicts with other applications. Make sure it’s really closed, and not running on the background.

Second, make sure you did NOT map the d-pad globally, that is, through Settings > Input > RetroPad Binds. You don’t actually want the d-pad to always behave as an analog stick, just for system with analog controls.

Third, the mapping should be done when the desired game is running, through Quick Menu > Controls > Port # Controls. Just leave the option “Analog to Digital Type” turned off and swap the d-pad and analog stick mappings. After that, be sure to save your changes using the Manage Remap Files menu. Do it core-wise, if you want the entire core to behave that way, or game-wise, if it’s just for that specific game.

See if it helps you somehow.

That did it, it’s solved. Thank you.

So your saying if I want to change the gamepad button functions do so from the quick menu. I usually did it from the settings because they seem to make more sense, press the button you want to do what action. Very simple and self explanatory. I didn’t know what to make of the quick menu controls.

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By the way, what was wrong with the way I was explaining my problem? I thought I was being very clear, the Joystick was still performing (just quoting, it’s fine now) the actions of the joystick and it was conflicting with the dpad because there were two controls sending the same input.

I just want to know because if it’s not clear I don’t talk to a lot of people and my social skills are terrible.

In your case, yes, do it from the quick menu, because you want to change your controller behavior only in specific situations (i.e. games that use the analog stick). Remapping through the general settings should only be done if your controller is incorrectly configured by RetroArch itself, so you would need to manually intervene. In your situation, games without analog controls would need the d-pad with the default mapping, so changing it globally would be a bad idea.

Regarding your communication, it was less about the problem, and more about your intentions. I was really puzzled about your choice of words suggesting you’d be still using the broken analog stick, when it shouldn’t be (it’s broken, after all). Then, when you made clear the issue was really about a conflict between inputs, it became easier to see what you wanted. Fortunately, my suggestion was actually right, let’s count it as a lucky guess. Glad everything is fixed for you.

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