Cant connect xbox one controller

ive been trying to connect and map one of my xbox one controllers to retroarch. every time I plug it into my computer it says that its ready but its in port 0 or that the controller index is not available. I cant even map buttons to the controller to controller. is there anything i’m doing wrong, please help

Port 0 is where you want it, typically. That means the first port.

I am having this same issue. I plug in the Xbox One controller, they system is detecting it and lists it as a device on Port 0. However I cannot bind anything to it and it doesn’t work at all. Performing bind all, the screens always time out and don’t detect the key presses. I’ve tried all available USB ports on my system, none seem to work.

goto Online Updater and click Update Joypad Profiles

if it still does not work, repost here with retroarch log

I was able to get it to work after updating to the Creators update for windows.

I then went to the ‘Gaming’ section of control panel and turned off all the game mode and game dvr stuff.

ok. im not on win10 now but similar happened to me. You need to enable that thing about gamepad mode in win10, but disable the one that shows dashboard when Guide button is pressed so it will not interfere with retroarch.