Hi, I’ve used Retroarch before on a Raspberry Pi, but recently installed Linux Mint on my main PC and decided to have a go at a compiled version. I successfully followed the guide from https://docs.libretro.com/development/retroarch/compilation/ubuntu/
I followed the guide to the letter; added the stable PPA, cloned git, installed the dependencies and successfully compiled Retroarch. I also used Libretro-super to download and build the Gambatte core.
So far, so good. Then I thought I would just use the built in core downloader to download a few pre-made cores. However, the online updater doesn’t work; it flashes up a message to say it is fetching the list, but then nothing happens. There are no lists of cores.
I’ve checked my retroarch.cfg file and it is correctly showing
core_updater_buildbot_cores_url = "http://buildbot.libretro.com/nightly/linux/x86_64/latest/"
I tried dropping the Buildbot url into a web browser and I can see the cores list. But for some reason Retroarch doesn’t want to know. I was successfully able to download the Assets, so it doesn’t seem to be a problem with Retroarch having net access. I also tried replacing “http” with “https”. Still no dice.
This one has me stumped. Any ideas? I tried running Retroarch with sudo to see if that would help; it didn’t.