Can't go back in Android UI if a controller is not connected

If I enter any menu, the left sidebar disappears.

Moreover, the “back” touch control in Android doesn’t go back at all (nothing happens. I would expect it to go to the previous Activity).

So basically if I enter any menu I am then stuck if I am trying to use the phone only without anything attached or paired.

Is that a bug? Or did I lock myself out somewhere in the settings? I couldn’t find any way to have that sidebar persistent.

Thank you everyone,

There may be some way around this, but the ozone menu is not really designed for touch-only navigation, which is why we default to GLUI/material for mobile devices.

If you want to use the other menus with only touch controls, we recommend using a touch input overlay to control it.

Ouch. Ok, good to know.

But please allow me to tell that, by just leaving the non-intrusive sidebar on the left everything would be perfectly doable with ease with a touch screen only.

Also, if one sets it to ozone and does not have a controller, then there is no way to turn back without editing the configuration file.

Maybe there should be a warning such as “you will need a controller to fully use ozone, even to swich back to GLUI. Are you sure you want to proceed?”

Would this make sense to you?