hello folks, i can’t join to #retroarch irc channel on irc.libera.chat It says: “You have been kicked from #retroarch by ChanServ (Invite only channel)”
Yeah, someone’s squatting it. Libera has a process for getting control of it, but it’s a bit of a runaround/hassle. I did most of it but some of it needs to be done by Twinaphex and I don’t assume he ever followed through with it.
Having the same issue, I went there to ask something and to hang out in general but I keep getting kicked out. Is there anything I can do to help? Some specific IRC nickname I can ping?
No clue. Like I said, it’s being squatted but an unknown party.
This is what I’ve been told by liberachat’s support:
Ideally, someone with claim to the RetroArch project would contact Libera and go through the group registration process as per https://libera.chat/chanreg/ the project registration process can be used to release control of a channel to the appropriate people/group
Yes, as I mentioned, I’ve contacted them and did everything I could, but some of it requires Twinaphex, and he hasn’t done his part. Unless/until that changes, I guess the squatter gets it. There is a #libretro channel there, as well, where I idle, but there is no action there, for the record.
Update: the channel is now unblocked and everyone can join! yay! thanks to the nice liberachat people! however keep in mind that Twinaphex should still go through the formal registration process and get channel ownership properly assigned to the team’s people
See you on IRC!
So I ask again: any way I can ping Twinaphex? email, irc, xmpp, forum, github…? Is he even aware of this issue requiring his action?
you can email him: libretro -at- gmail -doot- com