CAnt launch flycast retroarch naomi from attract mode need help

Retroarch + Attractmode is a fantastic way to enjoy emulation but i’m having trouble and i dont know what to do.

Dreamcast games works as they should, naomi does not, can anyone please help me on finding why it’s not running?

We would need to see a log from RetroArch showing the failure to load to even guess what’s going wrong.

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How do i get the log?

Edit: Nevermind i was able to run attract mode with console

thats the output :

Here’s the retroarch log

I might have spotted the problem: the front end is mixing slashes and backslashes for the game path when launching RetroArch and that may confuse the core. I’ll test this theory later today.

UPDATE: this is confirmed and a fix is underway


I thought on windows you can mix slashes and backslashes at will?

Looks great thank you so much sir! i do really appreciate it

No you cant, because some app’s are case sensitive, emulators are in general.

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Problem fixed! Thank you so much !