Can't load any FCEUmm savestates

WTF! I used automatic savestates so I could resume exactly where I left off each game. Now I can’t even use my old regular savestates anymore.

probably related to some recent work that was done to make saving/loading states more robust. They didn’t include all of the information they needed, so we changed it to include the missing stuff.

In general savestates should be considered very volatile and may break at any point, as they are a snapshot of the entire emulator, and any change to that emulator can make a previous snapshot no longer make sense.

Is there a way I could convert old savestates to “new format” so I could restume my old sessions? I have some that are pretty important.

Not really. The best strategy is to build an older revision from before the change, which was sometime last week, I think.

If the game supports in-game saves, those are typically stable and you can use them to go between version.

savestate has been revamp massively a few days ago, old savestates are not compatible now…

if you are on windows, and its a dire need to retain your savestates, lemme know i may be able to compile that did not have the revamped state handling.

Can you convert these two? I have some more but they are not that important or they have option to save. Thanks!

I replied with email and attached roms and savestates that are important but I see that they are not reachable here. Let me know your email address so I can send them to you.

Was the Changes made in RetroArch or the Cores?

As could you use a older version of RetroArch to use the Old SaveStates?

no, you need an older core. so far, no update related to retroach affects state feature.

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@Bero here’s an fceumm core for windows x64 that should be compatible with your save states. you’re not losing any feature by using this older core so you can keep using it then.

lemme know if it worked.

It works but I don’t want to be stuck with this version for rest of time. Emulators are not perfect and they need to be updated so I update them from time to time. I hope you can convert my savestates so I could be up to date in the future.

There’s no chance of conversion.

like what i have said, there is nothing wrong using this earlier version since nothing much in relation to actual emulation code is there aside from the save state update which atm is not even usuable (save state is in relation to reducing input lag if that is your thing). why i know? coz i made most update in the core especially game compatibility.

you want me to keep updating and converting you savestates forever then?

anyways a thank you should have suffice instead of bitching.

anyways heres the state that should work with latest fceumm, just incase someone though i dont know how to do ****. They are in save slot2 btw so keep keep a copy of existing ones, since i will never be able to restore those even if you say thank you.

Thank You.