Can't save Configs on latest Nightly

So I was having shader issues since updating to 1.3 and I saw another post saying it was fixed in the latest nightly. I downloaded it and it did indeed fix it however now when I click save new config it errors.

It says failed to create e:/pathname/corename/.cfg

Notice its putting a slash between the corename and the .cfg

This only happens when a core is loaded, not if you save before loading any cores.

(My apologies for missing the nightly thread, I should have posted there)

I have the same problem :confused:

same here…

Any word or updates on this?

It’s a known issue. It may not get fixed as people often use that option to get themselves into trouble.

What the heck?

I use it to create my overrides…what am I supposed to do without that option? How are we supposed to save our configs for overrides without this option? I would rather not have to try to do it manually for every system.

Yeah, that’d be a very bad decision to not fix this issue. One of the greatest things about RetroArch is the ability to fine-tune your experience to exactly the way you want it when using any given piece of compatible software or media. Removing the option to save over the current config would go against that very core idea. Considering the fact that RetroArch isn’t exactly the easiest piece of software in the world to configure, there’s already some level of competence for those who get it set up in a good fashion. I think letting the user have some free reign on being able to customize their experience would be a nice thing to keep. Yes, I know you can still manually edit the files in a text editor, but bringing even a little convenience goes a long way.

Also, jumping in to re-confirm the issue.

I’ve been having the same issue. I tend to stay away from nightlies because I like actually playing my games.

[QUOTE=NewYears1978;34540]I didn’t mean to imply that I thought it was removed on purpose, I was basing off another comment above that it was probably not going to be fixed so I wasn’t sure if it was a removed feature or just a bug. I am definitely not trying to be a dick or mean anything negative at all. There’s a communication via typing barrier here. I am definitely not trying to be a jerk or entitled just trying to understand. I really love Retroarch and want to be able to use it…but if this feature is gone I have to find an alternative method…I haven’t been able to use Retroarch for awhile now. Plus it just seems weird that such a simple thing wouldn’t just be fixed…it looks like a simple coding error the the path saving for configs…

I did use 1.3.0 but my shaders did not work with that version so I had to switch to nightlies.

Maybe it’s just me, if I’m alone in my thinking then forgive me and I will move on.[/QUOTE]

I agree nightlies break cores all the time…or something its a hit and miss

If anyone knows which version works with saving overrides AND shaders are not broke…I would be glad to stick to that version. :frowning:

Yes. Just copy the options you want into a new .cfg file manually and change them there. It’s so much cleaner having slim override configs rather than saving a gigantic config with redundant options for each core. Like, what if you want to change some basic setting that you want to be the same across all cores? If you have full override configs for each core, you have to redo your changes again, since they’re full of old settings that will override the changes in retroarch.cfg.

If you use Notepad++ as a text editor you can open multiple configs in tabs to cross reference stuff and easily copy over options to modify.

Ok yeah, that would be useful since it can be difficult to figure out what exact core name it wants for overrides. You’d just have to name the option something like “Create Empty Override Config File” so users know it’s not going to do anything unless they add stuff to it.

[QUOTE=Awakened;34548]Yes. Just copy the options you want into a new .cfg file manually and change them there. It’s so much cleaner having slim override configs rather than saving a gigantic config with redundant options for each core. Like, what if you want to change some basic setting that you want to be the same across all cores? If you have full override configs for each core, you have to redo your changes again, since they’re full of old settings that will override the changes in retroarch.cfg.

If you use Notepad++ as a text editor you can open multiple configs in tabs to cross reference stuff and easily copy over options to modify.[/QUOTE]

I knew my “method” was a little redundant as it saves all the information, and as you said I don’t change TOO Many things. Mostly I use a Wallpaper that pertains to the system, and different shaders. That’s not too big of a deal to have to edit the files, however when there is a save feature that is so easy (or was) to use I would rather use it than edit a config file for each system.

However, because it’s shader presets I use it’s not so “straight forward” to put those in an override. Which is why I was asking. When using a shader preset there are multiple lines that have to be edited and without actually creating a cfg with those settings, I don’t have the appropriate settings to put in the override.

So doing it this way (unless I am missing something) is quite difficult. I would have to load those shader presets into the default cfg file, then go find those lines needed and copy them, then of course revert my original cfg back.

It’s very counter intuitive. Any thoughts or preferred methods for this? Just seems to me the way I was doing was a good way which is the reason for my original post. Another method would be maybe a save override option that only saves the changes in the file from the default cfg’s. That would be the most ideal and perfect solution.

I’m open to whatever works, I was just hoping for a non-manual solution since it’s not so straight forward when dealing with shader presets (since the ones I use normally contain several lines of information)

This brings up another issue though, because I can no longer save configs when a core is loaded, I can’t even look in the file to see which options to move to the override. Any time a core is loaded the save new config button is broken. The only solution would be I guess to use the “save config” button while a core is loaded and overwrite my default config…but even then there’s so many lines in there when I tried this it was hard to even find the lines that referred the the shader preset… grr.

All you need for a shader preset override is: video_shader_enable = “true” video_shader = “/path/to/preset.cgp”

[QUOTE=hunterk;34591]All you need for a shader preset override is: video_shader_enable = “true” video_shader = “/path/to/preset.cgp”[/QUOTE]

Perfect man thank you! I didn’t realize it was that simple I thought it needed all the lines from the preset (like when there’s 12 diff shaders being used I thought it needed each line)

It’s still a pain to have to create overrides manually but if it’s that simple it’s not that bad at all. I’ll use that method for now. Much appreciated, you always help me :wink: Only have to do it once, much obliged man.

No problem. We often take for granted information that’s not readily apparent to users.

[QUOTE=NewYears1978;34592]Perfect man thank you! I didn’t realize it was that simple I thought it needed all the lines from the preset (like when there’s 12 diff shaders being used I thought it needed each line)

It’s still a pain to have to create overrides manually but if it’s that simple it’s not that bad at all. I’ll use that method for now. Much appreciated, you always help me :wink: Only have to do it once, much obliged man.[/QUOTE] Yep, it’s not that bad. And you only need the one line specifying the preset if you use shaders for all your cores.

It worked perfect, thanks again hunter/awakened.