If I change to Vulkan I get no image and crash if I try to go in to retroarch menu. So I can’t use the slag version. What happens is that the shader won’t load at all it just stays at shader pass 0 like nothing happened.
If I have a working shader loaded and try to load crt-royale it will just not load and the working shader will stay.
I’m on a mate 9 pro, device information in retroarch says vulkan is supported though.
But as I said, caligari works just fine but I want to try crt-royale and crt-royale-kurozumi.
All this dose not bod well for my planed nvidia shield purchase.
I’m having the same problem with Vulkan on my pc with nvidia 980ti. Is vulkan broken?
Tried logcat (catlog) but I see no information from retroarch in it.
Shader location is inside the retroarch folder. /storage/emulated/0/RetroArch/shaders_glsl/presets/crt-royale-kurozumi.glslp
Solved here: