Change menu hotkeys?

I cannot find where to change the menu-specific hotkeys, and it’s driving me crazy, since it seems I can’t even use it ingame if it’s mapped to menu (case in point, I’m trying to use / for left analog Up). Is it even possible to change it?

It’s definitely possible. I UNmapped them all because I only needed the save-state and load-state ones, and I use almost my entire keyboard via Xpadder. I can’t remember off-hand exactly where it is, but I KNOW there’s a menu where you can set that stuff. I feel like it was NOT with the controller input menus.

I’m sorry I can’t be more specific lol I’m at work at the moment.

settings > input > input hotkey binds is where most of that stuff gets bound but the search hotkey isn’t in there. In fact, it may be hardcoded. I’ll investigate further.