Cheating in retroarch

I’m interested in hacking in retroarch, since cheat engine doesn’t work for values higher than 255, and the game I’m playing has a starting value of 103000. According to I have to hold down the right arrow until it gets from 0 to 103000.

Why can’t I just type in 103000?

can you post a screenshot of which one you’re trying to set to 103000?

This is how I was trying to cheat in retroarch. Is there another way to alter the “Search Memory for Values” other than pressing left or right arrow? If I wanted to search for 103000 I’d have to hold the arrow key for probably 5 min. Why can’t I just type in the number?

EDIT: And yes, I know the 8-bit won’t go over 255, but even if I increase it to 32 bit or higher it still will take a long time to get to the number I want.

Ah, right, I was wondering because it wouldn’t go over 255 for me, but I hadn’t set it to 32-bit.

Yeah, I don’t think there’s any good way to do that :confused:

Well that sucks. Who’s in charge of updates to Retroarch?

EDIT: I’m not as familiar with Github but the “issues” seems only for bugs and I don’t know if this counts. Is there a section for requests for change because I don’t see it.

ANOTHER EDIT: I think github is okay with requests, I will ask them. The way it’s worded it looks like they don’t want to hear it. But I might be paranoid.

RetroArch is made entirely by volunteer contributors, like me.

Feel free to put a feature request in the issue tracker, but do a search first and see if anyone else has already requested/reported it.

I didn’t see anything called “feature requests” I did see “pull requests” which sounds like the removal of features to me. I did make a post under “issues” as that seemed to be the closest. I got a response that only linked to two other posts that also made the same complaint I did, that values should be entered not selected; it looks like those posts were made years ago.

I thank you for your work in making Retroarch and I understand your probably busy and this project doesn’t pay, but if you can make time to simply change the cheat feature from a select to an enter value that would be amazing. I don’t know how hard programming, but I hope that’s an easy fix.