Choppy motion with V-Sync disabled (v1.6.3)

I have a G-Sync Monitor and always disable vsync in RA config file, have just downloaded the latest version of RA (1.6.3) and done a fresh install but have noticed with vsync disabled and loading Nestopia core that the game movement is not smooth a all and very choppy, enabling vsync remedies the issue.

Its not dropping frames as its reporting a solid 59.9 at all times

Did you ever get smooth gsync? I know you’ve at least asked about it before. I just ask because I don’t want to go through the whole litany if you already have everything set up properly.

I might have to pickup a G-Sync enabled monitor at some point so that we can actually start providing some support on these issues.

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Yeah haven’t had an issue with the last few versions.

On a side note, whats the ideal settings to have to reduce input lag as much as possible, a higher hard sync frames value?

yeah, hard sync 0 is best for latency.

for the stuttering, do you have your video_refresh_rate set to your monitor’s max refresh rate (like 144 or whatever)?

Nah, i usually let the ‘estimated screen framerate’ option settle down and then set it to that framerate, at the moment its 59.988. I was under the impression if i set it to 144 then it would cause the games to run too fast?

Not if vsync is disabled while audio sync is enabled. dankcushions (I think) said that was the missing link for him getting perfectly smooth gsync scrolling.

so i need to set it to 144 and keep audio sync enabled?.

When in the UI is there a quicker way to increase the value of settings other than using the cursor left and right keys?

no quicker way through the UI. Quit retroarch and open your retroarch.cfg in a text editor, search for “video_refresh_rate” and replace whatever’s there (default is 0.00000 but it’s probably whatever you set it to previously) with your monitor’s maximum refresh rate.

Setting to 144 hasn’t helped

k, that’s all I had to offer. Guess we’ll have to wait until Twinaphex can pick up a variable refresh monitor.

Ok, thanks for the suggestions.

Hmm, ok i have disabled G-Sync from the Nvidia settings and set my monitor to 60hz but i still seem to be getting choppy performance when vsync is disabled!, so its not Gsync thats causing the issue. Is there anything else that could be causing this at all

With gsync disabled and the monitor set to 60 fps, you’d need to turn vsync ON to get smooth video.

Oh really?, so even with a standard monitor turning v sync off will always result in an unsmooth video?, i thought that would just give screen tearing so there is no point in disabling vsync ever then?

Use a high frame delay value. It helps, but you will get the smoothest video with vysnc enabled.

This also helps with cores that run at an excess of montior refresh rate, like the wonderswan core. RA will disable vysnc automatically if the core runs faster than your montors refresh rate, resulting in choppy video. Dosbox can have this problem too. A delay of 8ms makes a big difference, but 12 or 14 if you can manage it is even better.

So for the lowest input delay, id want…

Vsync= Enabled

Hard GPU Sync= Enabled

Hard GPU Sync Frames= 0

Frame Delay= 14

does Vertical Sync Swap Interval help at all?


Swap interval halves the frame rate I think. The swap chains setting (3 by default) could have less input lag at a lower number. 2 is double buffering. 1 or 0 could be faster, but RA won’t honor it most of the time AFAIK.

14ms is not possible with most cores with even a high end CPU. I don’t use frame delay at all except on certain cores, like mentioned above. There is some speculation that hard GPU sync makes frame delay mostly obsolete. It is best used if you prefer to disable vsync or if vysnc is not available.

It won’t hurt anything though, except your performance.

But from what hunterk says above disabling vsync will give unsmooth video and the only way to get smooth video is to enable it!, so why would you want to disable vsync?


Vysnc is not available for certain cores that run at an excess of 60fps (it might be enabled if you have a monitor with a refresh rate that is greater than or equal to the cores refresh rate, I am not sure).

in theory disabling vsync would reduce input lag the most.

I don’t recommend it though. Vsync enabled is much smoother than the highest frame delay value allowable, and much less performance intensive. With hard GPU sysc enabled input lag is more than acceptable IMO, and the best you could save with vsync disabled is maybe 1-2 frames of input lag anyway.