Color and other display/shader settings?

Hello, is there a way to adjust saturation, tint, and brightness? I’m looking to make things a little more saturated, and i noticed the blue needs to be more blue and less greenish (specifically the sky in SMB3, it looks awful)

Also, if I wanted a little NTSC blur added to a shader preset, do I simply just add another pass and add a blur shader? It seems that when I add another pass to the preset I don’t notice a difference when I go back to the game.


Check out misc/ It has a lot of options for brightness, contrast, etc. There’s also one called ‘color-mangler’ that gives you full control over colors (but not palettes). Also, have you tried all of the palette options in the Nestopia core options?

Try using the tvout-tweaks shader as the first pass for adding that kind of blur. You can adjust the signal resolution to fix things like pseudo-transparency.

I’m assuming that I would just equip that shader as a pass, then manually edit the shader’s config file? Does the pass # matter if that’s how you do it? I have changed the palettes and they don’t seem to do much, but i’ve only tried a few options that seemed most logical to me.

I will try that tweaks shader, is there an easy way to make it number one, or do i have to manually re-create a shader preset and move everything down a notch to accommodate this one as being pass #1? Is the signal resolution found in the config file for the tweaks shader as well?

Sorry for the noob questions - is there a FAQ for shaders somewhere I could reference? (LIke what the specific settings mean - pass orders, “don’t care, 1x, nearest”, etc) Thanks, hunterk! I’ve been checking out your blog and have found lots of good stuff there too, keep up the good work.

Glad to hear you enjoy my blog :slight_smile:

Those shaders I mentioned are all best before any other effects (CRT, etc.) at 1x scale. You can play around with the different settings using the shader menu’s “preview parameters” screen but you’ll probably want to hardcode them at some point. You can do that by modifying the shader files directly but I think it’s probably better to add the parameter options to a custom cgp file.

There’s no easy trick to adding shader passes to the beginning of a cgp. You’ll just have to open the cgp for whatever you normally use and then add in the new ones and bump the original ones down.

This is a good example of how you can add shader parameter values to a cgp (scroll down to where it says ‘parameters’, lists the parameters and then specifies the values):

Thanks for the info - you’ve been very helpful. I’ll give that a shot.