Command line to override shaders / borders


Im using Retroarch in Emulation Station. Im using the same config for all systems, but id like, for the gb emulation (im using gambatte), to use specific shaders and screen borders. Whats the easiest way to do so ? Im aware of the – config configxyz.cfg, ut i dont know how to put it right in the command line. Also I would prefer to use one single cfg but just override those parameters at launch if possible (i guess its not).

Current command line is : <command>%CD%.emulationstation\retroarch\retroarch.exe -L %CD%.emulationstation\retroarch\cores\gambatte_libretro.dll “%ROM_RAW%”</command>

thank you

Hmmm not possible, easiest route: –appendconfig path o\myshaderandborderconfig.cfg

Hi, thanks for responding.

You mean, in that cfg i could put just the required lines specifying shaders and borders (nothing else) ? and those would override same lines in the default cfg ?

And then should I write : <command>%CD%.emulationstation\retroarch\retroarc h.exe -L %CD%.emulationstation\retroarch\cores\gambatte_li bretro.dll --appendconfig path o\myshaderandborderconfig.cfg “%ROM_RAW%”</command> ?


Yep that’s it