Hi, sorry if my first post is a question, but I’d like to know if I compiled the mame2003 correctly.
My development environment is Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 32 bits.
I downloaded the libretro source with GIT. I opened a shell to the libretro-mame2003 folder and I typed this command
make -j2 V1
The compile process went smooth and I ended with a file named mame2003_libretro.so
The question is, is this really well compiled? I mean, is it compiled to run on armeabi architectures and not x86? Which android version is it compiled?
The reason I’m doing this is because the mame core available through libretro’s site are comipled to support android only lollipop or higher. I need to compile this core to work with android Jelly Bean (4.2.2)
I also would like to know how to add it to the android retroarch installation given that the only way to add cores though the GUI is to download them with the update manager.
By the way, I also tried to compile through the shell files provided in the contents downloaded from GIT, but to no avail:
libretro-super$ ./libretro-build-android-mk.sh mame2003
The first time I run that script it complained about the NDK_PROJECT_PATH environment variable which I set it to the libretro-mame2003 folder. I don’t know it that’s OK… The second time it complained about the environment variable APP_BUILD_SCRIPT whcih I don’t know what should I set it to. Also, the libretro-mame2003 doesn’t have a jni folder so I don’t know if it can be compiled through the shell files.
I hope you can shed me some light on this. Thanks everyone for all your effort in developing retroarch!