Compiling Retroarch on OSX 10.11

I am currently experiencing some issues with respect to the compilation procedure for Retroarch on Mac OS X 10.11 and would love to acquire some insight on how to perform this operation most efficiently.

So far I have followed and applied all of the requirements indicated in the existing documentation, namely the installation of the Nvidia CG Toolkit, git commands for the Terminal, as well as the latest Xcode from the App store. I opened a Terminal prompt and cloned RA into a chosen local directory, as per the usual steps I comply with when building for Windows.

However, when I actually proceed and build the application, the outcome does not have any extension and does not do anything when opened. Moreover, during the compilation sequence I get the following errors:

[B]ui/drivers/cocoa/ui_cocoa_browser_window.m:38:15: [/B][B]warning: [/B]
[B]      'runModalForDirectory:file:' is deprecated: first deprecated in macOS 10.6[/B]
[B]      [-Wdeprecated-declarations][/B]
   if ([panel runModalForDirectory:BOXSTRING(state->startdir) file:nil] != 1)
[B]              ^[/B]
[B]/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Headers/NSSavePanel.h:297:1: note: [/B]
      'runModalForDirectory:file:' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
- (NSInteger)runModalForDirectory:(nullable NSString *)path file:(nullab...
[B]ui/drivers/cocoa/ui_cocoa_msg_window.m:75:12: [/B][B]warning: [/B]
[B]      'beginSheetModalForWindow:modalDelegate:didEndSelector:contextInfo:' is[/B]
[B]      deprecated: first deprecated in macOS 10.10 - Use[/B]
[B]      -beginSheetModalForWindow:completionHandler: instead[/B]
[B]      [-Wdeprecated-declarations][/B]
    [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:ui_companion_driver_get_main_window()
[B]           ^[/B]
[B]/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Headers/NSAlert.h:152:1: note: [/B]
      'beginSheetModalForWindow:modalDelegate:didEndSelector:contextInfo:' has
      been explicitly marked deprecated here
- (void)beginSheetModalForWindow:(NSWindow *)window modalDelegate:(nulla...
1 warning generated.
1 warning generated.
OBJC ui/drivers/cocoa/ui_cocoa_application.m
OBJC ui/drivers/cocoa/cocoa_common.m
OBJC gfx/drivers_context/cocoa_gl_ctx.m
[B]ui/drivers/cocoa/cocoa_common.m:379:41: [/B][B]warning: [/B][B]sending 'CocoaView *' to[/B]
[B]      parameter of incompatible type[/B]
[B]      'id<AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate>'[/B]
    [dataOutput setSampleBufferDelegate:self queue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];
[B]                                        ^~~~[/B]
[B]/System/Library/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/Headers/AVCaptureOutput.h:204:83: note: [/B]
      passing argument to parameter 'sampleBufferDelegate' here
  ...sampleBufferDelegate queue:(dispatch_queue_t)sampleBufferCallbackQueue;
[B]     ^[/B]
1 warning generated.

The same thing occurs when attempting to compile through the libretro-super scripts and coincidentally I noticed that the buildbot does not seem to have any nightly for OS X. I’m wondering whether it is a mistake I am personally making (most likely) or if there’s some issues upstream that prevent this process from being completed. Thanks in advance for any advice!

The buildbot hasn’t built anything because we’ve been having trouble getting our OSX VM back online since the server change.

Those warnings seem okay, as long as there aren’t any actual errors. Does the newly built application run if you try to launch it from a terminal?

No, it does not run even when launched from that. Here’s the error message reported within the Terminal window:

2016-12-30 21:36:36.425 retroarch[53061:996707] No Info.plist file in application bundle or no NSPrincipalClass in the Info.plist file, exitinglogout
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

EDIT: Okay, I think I managed to build a properly functional executable by opening RetroArch.xcodeproj under etroarch/pkg/apple/ and making the final application from Xcode itself.

ah, yeah, I think XCode is indeed necessary.