Config problrm

Hello I just dont understand, it’s been 3 times I configure everything in Retroarch, and when I finish establishing all states for the cores, nothing goes well. when I push start on my joypad it says loading state instead of starting the game. I a m getting tired not understanding what happens please help me.

Do you have Steam or any other program that intercepts gamepad inputs open? Launchbox also has something that uses Windows keyboard events that can interfere.

Thanks a lot for your answer, I dont use launchbox or steam, for the moment it seems that the core ratio stays on my presets so I hope it will. But I ve got a problem staying : when I push start on my joypad, it does start the game but in the same time it is written on the screen : loading state like if the button start was doing the actions : startint he game and loadin saved states. Have you got an idea?

Do you have settings > saving > auto load state enabled? Otherwise, check settings > input > hotkey binds and make sure ‘load state’ isn’t bound to ‘start’

I ll try to explain what I do. For example I launch the ds emulator. I launch a game, pressing start does load states(it s written in the bottom of the screen. So I push F1, I go to setting I change the hotkey for loading state. And when I go back tio the game it s ok. Start doesn t load state. But when I leave the emulator, I go to NES emulator for example. ANd now again start does load states. avec if I come back to the DS emulator, start does load state(sorry for my english)

Try changing the hotkey setting with no cores loaded. Close RetroArch after you make the change and then reopen it.

If you have an override loaded (like a core override), you can’t make changes to the global config, and it won’t save to the override unless you use re-save the override.

I rellay thank you for the time you take to answer. I will try this