Configuring control pad for PC Engine and other cores

Any idea? Im having problems. Ive tried via the menus.

If you’re having trouble wrapping your head around it conceptually, this doc may help:

The tl;dr is: if your gamepad is recognized and configured correctly automatically, you almost never need to go into settings > input > port 1 controls for any reason. If it’s not configured correctly, you’ll want to go in there and bind it (if you’re only ever going to use this one pad, you can stop there; if you want to swap other pads in and out, you’ll want to make an autoconfig profile for each).

After that, you do all of your per-core remapping (that is, moving the cores’ buttons around on the retropad/gamepad) in quick menu > controls and save those changes in core/game remaps.

When i press B during a game it pauses and says State slot 0.