Confusing launching mechanic - No cores available

So… there’s a lot about the launching mechanic that seems rather unintuitive. I’m trying to launch mupen64plus. Having searched my ROM directory, it does find my games, but when I try to Run it, I get “no cores available.” This is with the mupen64 core loaded, active. It does work if I specify Load Core, Load Content and manually browse, but NOT if I choose the ROM in question from the collection it made.

I have the core info, game database etc. updated, so that shouldn’t be the problem.

Edit: also, for some reason, it finds 5 out of 12 files, all with the extension v64, z64 or n64.

Hmm. I wonder if something’s wrong with your mupen playlist. Could you open it with a text editor and see if it the entries are pointing to the correct core and everything?

Doesn’t look like it, no.

Actually found a way to “fix” this;

Options > Playlists For each playlist, select a suitable core.

Are you using the 1.3.2 bundle?

I had the same issue.

Downloaded RetroArch 1.3.2 for Windows 64-bit. Unpacked it clean. Launched it. Downloaded a few cores from built in updater, among which nestopia. Used “Scan Directory” feature on my NES rom directory. Upon scan finish, restarted RetroArch. Opened the playlist with NES titles and tried any. Displays “No cores available”. Expected to see a list of NES compatible emulation cores instead. Loading a core manually, no remedy. Updating core info, no remedy. Only remedy was to set a core for a playlist.

Bonus issue: upon presence of two following files: [redacted] (E).nes [redacted].nes The [redacted] part is the same. The latter is not in the playlist, only the former is. The files are distinct, the latter is a USA NTSC, the former EU PAL dump…

Bonus issue: nestopia core plays the EU dump too fast, at 60fps. Expected PAL detection and 50fps.