Constant freezes and crashes on latest Nvidia Driver [Windows 10]

So I was playing, and I suddenly when I went fullscreen it went black. So, I updated Retroarch and my Nvidia Geforce GTX 1070 drivers and restarted. Now, fullscreen works (and like, exclusive, too)…But whenever I start retroarch up it goes on a white not responding screen, frozen, for like 3 minutes. Then when starting a game it does that again but with a black screen. And then once i’m in there and I go to the menu it does it again and it crashes. And now if I restart retroarch it crashes too. It does so with multiple video drivers I tried. I’ve tried the latest Nightly build too. The thing’s completely broken. Which frustrates me to no end because it’s the most responsive emulator ever and also very convenient. I really can’t go back to the others for some emulators x.x. And yes, I am on the creators fall update for Win10.

Oh, and the changed settings inside retroarch that are on are Gpu sync, Gpu sync frames on 3, Frame Delay on 15 I think.

Can you try moving your retroarch.cfg to another directory temporarily to see if a setting is causing the problem?

Still there. It’s odd though, when I installed the nightly, the first time I ever booted it up it worked fine. The second time however it behaved like this again. I had no issues on the otherdriver, but with that one fullscreen was black only on Retroarch. I might revert back to that tommorow so it’d at least be usable because now it keeps taking ages to do anything and when it does it crashes eventually.

edit: Could avast be doing anything stupid? It’s the only thing installed that I’ve experienced program interference with.

can you launch from a command line like this:

retroarch_debug.exe --menu --verbose

and keep an eye on what it’s doing when it seizes up?

FAKEDIT: yeah, try turning it off for a sec and see if that helps.

New versions of retroarch and Nvidia have fixed all this. Even Vulkan works now. The only weird thing is that the program takes ages to load if steam is on. No clue as to why this is. But it’s an easy fix isn’t it?

So, it sounds similar to an issue I had. Don’t know if this will help, but I fixed the fullscreen crashing/black screen/corrupted graphics issue by going into the Nvidia Control Panel (via right click) and changing Refresh Rate Hz from 60 to 59.

Hope it helps!