Content directory not saving

Every time I load the ROM directory in RetroArch, it resets to “default” even if I save it in the main config or core config files. Why the heck can I not overwrite it by manually entering the path in the files? I don’t like navigating through a bunch of folders just to get to the ROM directory, but that’s just me.

I know there is a per core config now, that’s fine, and when I edit the path for the ROMs, it still resets to the root of the C drive. I went to the core settings, it says the right path, but the ROM folder doesn’t show up. WTF?

The core directory shouldn’t be changed from paths, since the setting doesn’t really behave that way, it’s an incosistency. I’ve already opened a bug about that on github. I might try to fix it myself.

The correct way to map that path is to load a core.

Turns out that I had to manually change from “Default” to where the ROM files were. Even after I loaded a core, I’d tell the emulator where to point the browser, but when I save the config, exited and came back in, it reset itself, so I did it the other way and it’s fine, but I didn’t know why it always reverted until you told me there was a regression. :stuck_out_tongue: It would certainly explain a lot, so for now, yeah, manual edits are the only way to bypass it.

Hi, is that fixed in latest version ? I want to use relative paths everywhere, im using per-core configs, and it seems to work sometimes, sometimes not… I want each core to have its own rom directory, so that i dont have to browse directories. The right way to do so is to edit, the rgui_browser_directory per “core”.dll.cfg right ? (if its the “content_directory” line its the same problme anyway)

Sometimes I have the rgui_browser_directory line set to the proper path for a specific console, and it opens the right folder, then for another system with the same line set to the according console roms folder, rgui just opens the explorer at root… ive been playing with those settings for hours and I don’t get it.


I’m having this problem but with the the Savefile directory. Im running 1.6.7 and I want my savefiles to save in the same directory as the ROM. right now the save file is configured to

savefile_directory = “:\saves” savestate_directory = “:\saves”

and in the GUI i cant set it to “Content Directory”. Has anyone else had this problem?

There were some changes to saving to the content directory. Go here: and scroll down to “Saving Stuff on Content Dir”

Perfect, thanks for the link! Nice to see that i can remove cores from right within the GUI as well now.