Controller configured notifications multiple times for everyone or?

See here.

one controller, yet i get all that spam every time.

i reaaaally need a way to stop this. I wanted to simply disable the message alltogether but that takes save state notifications with it which I need.

the device disconnected message I have no idea about, considering it pops up every time as well - and I dont disconnect or change anything.

There are some old feature requests on github to add configurable notifications. Hasn’t happened yet, but someday I’m sure someone will tackle it.

I turn off Autoconfig in Input settings so I don’t see those notifs. You’ll of course have to configure all your buttons manually, but if you only use one pad you only have to do it once.

ouch. yea i use 2-3 pads to varying degrees.

is that like a bug that i get 3 separate notifications when using sdl2? or is there a reason for that?

It seems for now im gonna have to use xinput which at least usually only gives me 1 popup. The only drawback is that emulated wiimote + bt xbox controller + xinput =

Always have the option to kill it and use the old notification system which keeps things in a more confined area, but of course then shows config override loaded messages as well.

I still get 3 controller notifications using that but they pop up one after another in the same place, instead of stacking like in the former picture.

Hopefully more configurable messages end up in, the literal only one I cant live without is knowing when my states are saved etc. Would hate to hit my hotkey and think its saaved, close out and POOF.

Thank you for your reply.