Controller Help - xbox controller - simple question - newbie

Great Product to all involved here …

I am a newbie but progress has been fast ever since retroarch. So - thank you very much

I know i am missing something very simple here - I cant figure out how to exit out of a game but NOT exit retroarch.

I know really silly question but im stuck

Retroarch on windows 10 xbox controller would also like to use SNES controller (for the kids) on some consoles using Hyperspin and Rocket Launcher as well

In the menu, there’s an option to ‘close content’. This will close the current core+content.

Hi thanks for the quick response

Where in the menu?

When playing a game, go into the quick menu and it’s right there at the top: “close content”

Thanks for the quick responses all -

Sorry for the newbie “stuff”

I am not explaining myself correctly - please forgive -

I am trying to use retroarch without my keyboard (well, at least 99% of the time) would like to use it primarily with the xbox controller.

I cant figure out how to map the “Backspace” keyboard button on the controller. So i can exit current game AND still have retroarch open - and browse to another game.


Sorry for being stuck on st*pid here - i know im missing something simple -

Im a newbie so not following these instructions but its because im not explaining what im trying to do properly.

Hopefully i dont p1ss u guys off - Let me try again … Many thanks in advance -

I have retroarch - rocket launcher - and Hyperspin working perfectly with several emulators on windows 10 on a pc. During my “learning how to set this up” i ONLY used my keyboard on the windows 10 PC. Using the Esc key to completely exit and using the Backspace key to back out of a game without closing everything.

Now - I am trying to make this PC into a gaming PC connected to my TV and want to move away from having a keyboard (moving away from keyboard 99% of the time).

Normal operation i would like to be able to just use the controller - unless something needs a re-boot etc …

How do i map the controller (xbox controller) to the Backspace key of a keyboard?

Second Question - when you say the quick menu? do you mean hitting Shift F1 on the keyboard? If yes - thats what im trying to figure out to do on the controller - is that possible?

Im not even sure if what im asking for is possible.

Backspace is typically the same “cancel” function as retropad-B (A on an xbox pad). Menu is typically the ‘home’ button on the pad, though I think Steam and maybe Win10 try to hijack that button these days. If so, in settings > input we have some menu button combo presets you can choose from, such as start+select, etc.

Understood - I’ll give this a try and THANK YOU!!!

Great product - really solid and stable

That did it!

Hunterk - thank you so much …

Silly question - is Retroarch also used as the front end directly? Are there skins or anything that makes the interface more “flashy” ?

The product itself is so solid - im thinking of ditching my front end if i can get some basic art into this thing.


I personally do everything through RetroArch rather than using any external launchers.

The default theme is the fanciest one we have but you can get boxart/thumbnails from the online updater. As long as your games show up in the playlist scanning, it’ll show the boxart in a little window. I don’t have a lot of experience with this feature, though, as I don’t personally use it.

In settings > user interface > menu, you can change to different shader backgrounds and/or different color schemes. Conversely, you can get rid of the shader effects and use dynamic wallpapers instead (that is, it’ll change among them when when you switch to different playlist columns). There are a lot of different options in this menu that you can play with to personalize the look.

So im making some good progress with my controller situation but somewhere in the middle of troubleshooting a few errors …

Here is where im at hopefully you can help

if i launch a game directly from Rocket Launcher using Retroarch it woks.

If i launch from HyperSpin - the game launches but them minimizes (i thought it was closing but its on the task bar) if i click on the retroarch program (opened on taskbar) boom, there the game.

any idea?

Here is the log from RL