Controller Issues windows 10 stumped

Not sure what happened as everything was working fine, I have alot of my game linked through steam to use on my steam link. The other day i noticed anytime i open and game and hit the bounc START button it just closes emulation… Ive tried this on my desktop and and on my link they both have they same results. What ive tried so far

  1. I opened retro arch and bound all my controller buttons, works fine here

  2. I opened steam controllers and made sure my desktop profiles were set to controllers

  3. Tried a ps4 controller same result

I cannot figure this out and its driving me nuts, idk if ive provided enough info or what i should post to help figure this out


Steam does weird stuff to controllers sometimes. My guess is that it’s sending an ‘escape’ key event for some reason. You could try opening your retroarch.cfg and changing:

input_exit_emulator = “escape”


input_exit_emulator = “nul”

and see if that helps anything.

Ok i did this but now it seems like all the other keys are bound to other things, for example my Y button exits full screen, B does slow motion. I checked the keybinds and its good in retro, forwhatever reason it seems to be changing my binds when i open it through steam…wtf

I changed the Steam Settings to “Generic USB controller” this fixed the issue on my desktop however when i fire up my steam link i still have the same issue

Windows 7 same here, my xbox one s controller died other day so I got a new one… since then no changes but the controller will only work on menu for a minute once in game it stops working, if I go to home via xbox home button it stops working. If I try messing with drivers and configs I can get it to work unresponsively with dpad up or down = page down or something. Nothing makes sense and reinstalling ect with retroarch hasnt helped, presuming driver issue but it shouldnt be :frowning: rip my retroarch build alottt of wasted time.

this sounds like you are using an older version of retroarch which has this issue. update to latest nightly and try again. post log if problems persists.

using the latest version same issue, i however discoved if i right click the shortcut on steam and click “edit steam controller configuration” ill see a controler layout that was some whacky binds. I change it to a standard controller and it seems to work fine. I however have to do this for every shortcut