Controllers wrong order of devices (Windows 11)

Connecting the Xbox Series X controller and the Quick Shot Joystick to the PC (via an adapter) causes the wrong order of devices in Windows 11.

Although I have tried everything, Windows 11 detects the joystick controller first and the XSX controller second. The wrong device order obviously causes problems with Retroarch.

Retroarch sees the joystick in port 1 and the XSX controller in port 2.

Changing the order of devices in Retroarch doesn’t help much either. Although the controller works, it is not fully functional because the analogs do not work.

Interestingly, the Xbox One controller is detected by Windows as the first device and there is no problem.

Does anyone know how to change the order of devices (controllers) in Windows 11?

Check this topic, I think it is related.

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