Unfortunately in this case, saving by directory, does not do the trick (at the moment a symlinked folder is the solution to do that), to have 2 (or more) presets (core options, shader, override) with the same core to chose.
In my case: ps1 with 2 “preset” one for upscaled “modern” look and another one downsampled with a crt look, and having to freely choose between the 2 looks any time; with settings by directory you have to chose it before. This is for ps1 but could be also for other uses: comes to mind gameboy, n64 or arcades.
From what I get, modifying the dll with hex editor (or automatic with gsar) is probably not “safe” and this would also be needed to be redone for updating. I think at the moment I’ll stick with a symlinked folder for an easy updating process with online updater.
Still I think having a “superpreset” or an easy way to split cores could be useful in some scenarios.