Hey everyone. I have a question for anyone that can answer. I have a GPD XD. Great device by the way but I’m having trouble manually altering the button configurations under CORE INPUT OPTIONS.
So, for instance, suppose I load MUPEN64+ and get Super Mario 64 running… Once I am able to control Mario at the beginning, I pause the game & return to the QUICK MENU of Retroarch. From there, I enter CORE INPUT OPTIONS as mentioned earlier and scroll down to USER 1 button configurations. It is in this section within Retroarch that I begin to have trouble altering the buttons to how I would like them to be in order to play games, etc.
Basically, since my gaming unit runs on Android & is touch-screen, I tap “User 1 B Button”, for example, and the button will change from B to “Y” for instance. That’s great, and I understand that part… however, say that I make a mistake and I want to go backwards to selecting a button that I wanted prior… how would I do that? In other words, if I reach the “R3” button, the last selection possible on my unit… how is it that I can manipulate the “User 1 B Button” setting so that I can have that B Button selected as “Y” once again for instance???
Because I’ve tried many times & I cannot UNDO my selection(s), etc. It seems to me that once I make a selection and I’ve gone too far, there is no way to UNDO and go back. This method of manually altering the buttons for preference makes it discouraging to me when I choose to play certain games… but if I am doing something wrong, could someone kindly correct me??
Thanks so much everyone!