Core MAME x86 (32bits) not working

Hi, I don’t know if this has been reported or not, but MAME_Libretro_dll version for Windows 32bits is not working. Crashes retroarch and in the log window only appears “This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way”.

It can be a problem only with that particular build, because x64 (64 bits) works fine. Also the version for Android works fine.

I can confirm the issue with 1.5.0 and at least since 1.4.1

If this has been reported before, sorry for the inconvenience.

Came here to report same problem. I wanted to turn my HDMI PC stick (Win10) into retro machine, but all MAME cores were crashing and FBA is sadly not suited to be 100% alternative, some games are just not supported or works with glitched sound. I thought about my stick to be a problem, but as i tried to launch retroarch on my big PC, i stumbled into exactly same impediment (when trying -verbose option, last one before the crash printed entry says about OSD initialization). Retroarch for X64 is not causing any problems on the other hand at all. Same game works flawlessly on x64 while crashing on x86.

I can’t install x64 Win10 on HDMI stick because of 32-bit only UEFI (no way to enable CMS).

Are there some stable cores for windows or at least older ones to check if something didn’t broke at exact point of time?