Cores Aren't Getting Saved Per Configuration

I have several different config files for each system. Only problem is, when I load up any of those configuration files, the cores that I use for those configs doesn’t automatically load up. So every time I launch a system from the config file, I have to specify the core and then load up a game.

I wasn’t having this issue before, but it’s been a big problem ever since I started using version 1.3.6. Even with the latest nightlies, I’m still having this problem. Any way to fix this?

You can’t load a core from the cfg anymore. I’m not sure how it works now in the RetroArch UI (i think you do it from the playlist now). I use other frontends that load the cores i want with the -L command.


[ol] [li]Configurations Per-Core: Off (If using older version) [/li][li]Load Override Files Automatically: On [/li][/ol][B]

Add Games:[/B]

[ol] [li] Main Menu → Add Content [/li][li] Scan Directory → Scan This Directory [/li][li] Go back to Home Screen [/li][li] Settings → Playlists → Set each Playlist’s Default Core. [/li][li]In the Main Menu you will now see a Playlist for each console. [/li][/ol] Playlist Default Cores


[ol] [li] Load Core [/li][li] Save New Config [/li][li] It will save it as snes9x_libretro.cfg to[B] \RetroArch\config[/B], for example. [/li][li] Create New Folder with the name of the Core, such as[B] \RetroArch\config\Snes9X[/B]. [/li][li] Move the config file snes9x_libretro.cfg to that folder. [/li][li] Rename the config file snes9x_libretro.cfg to the same name as the Folder, Snes9X.cfg [/li][li] It should now look like this [B]\RetroArch\config\Snes9X[/B]Snes9X.cfg. [/li][li] The Override will now be applied automatically when launching a game. [/li][/ol] Config Folders

Config Files in Folder

To make future changes you will need to Load Configuration and then Save Current Configuration, or use a text editor.

Personally, the only thing I want to use per core is to use a different controller for each system. There is no way to set that up besides doing this, right?