"Cores" does not support saving

Hello everyone,

Unfortunately, I can no longer save at the moment. There is always the message that the “Core” does not support saving. And in every game and “Core”, be it PUAE, Vectrex, MAME 2003+. At first it worked and suddenly it didn’t anymore. Yesterday it worked all of a sudden and today it doesn’t work anymore. RetroArch v1.12.0 Switch version.

The problem is known. Only here in the forum I did not find a “topic” about it.

I tried the following:

  • Switch Firmware: v15.0.0 & v14.1.2
  • “Cores” updated
  • “Cores” deleted and re-downloaded under RetroArch.
  • “older” RetroArch version.
  • All *.cfg deleted in directory “config”.
  • All “Savestates” & “Savefiles” deleted.
  • File “retroarch.cfg” deleted.

Thanks !



My [retroarch.cfg]

accessibility_enable = "false"
accessibility_narrator_speech_speed = "5"
ai_service_enable = "false"
ai_service_mode = "1"
ai_service_pause = "false"
ai_service_source_lang = "0"
ai_service_target_lang = "0"
ai_service_url = "http://localhost:4404/"
all_users_control_menu = "false"
always_reload_core_on_run_content = "true"
apply_cheats_after_load = "false"
apply_cheats_after_toggle = "false"
aspect_ratio_index = "22"
assets_directory = "/retroarch/assets"
audio_block_frames = "0"
audio_device = ""
audio_driver = "switch_audren_thread"
audio_dsp_plugin = ""
audio_enable = "true"
audio_enable_menu = "false"
audio_enable_menu_bgm = "false"
audio_enable_menu_cancel = "false"
audio_enable_menu_notice = "false"
audio_enable_menu_ok = "false"
audio_fastforward_mute = "false"
audio_filter_dir = "default"
audio_latency = "64"
audio_max_timing_skew = "0.050000"
audio_mixer_mute_enable = "false"
audio_mixer_volume = "0.000000"
audio_mute_enable = "false"
audio_out_rate = "48000"
audio_rate_control = "true"
audio_rate_control_delta = "0.005000"
audio_resampler = "sinc"
audio_resampler_quality = "3"
audio_sync = "true"
audio_volume = "0.000000"
auto_overrides_enable = "true"
auto_remaps_enable = "true"
auto_screenshot_filename = "true"
auto_shaders_enable = "true"
autosave_interval = "30"
block_sram_overwrite = "false"
bluetooth_driver = "null"
builtin_imageviewer_enable = "false"
builtin_mediaplayer_enable = "false"
bundle_assets_dst_path = ""
bundle_assets_dst_path_subdir = ""
bundle_assets_extract_enable = "false"
bundle_assets_extract_last_version = "0"
bundle_assets_extract_version_current = "0"
bundle_assets_src_path = ""
cache_directory = "/retroarch/Temp"
camera_allow = "false"
camera_device = ""
camera_driver = "null"
cheat_database_path = "/retroarch/cheats"
check_firmware_before_loading = "false"
cheevos_auto_screenshot = "false"
cheevos_badges_enable = "false"
cheevos_challenge_indicators = "true"
cheevos_custom_host = ""
cheevos_enable = "false"
cheevos_hardcore_mode_enable = "true"
cheevos_leaderboards_enable = "true"
cheevos_password = ""
cheevos_richpresence_enable = "true"
cheevos_start_active = "false"
cheevos_test_unofficial = "false"
cheevos_token = ""
cheevos_unlock_sound_enable = "false"
cheevos_username = ""
cheevos_verbose_enable = "true"
config_save_on_exit = "false"
content_database_path = "/retroarch/database/rdb"
content_favorites_directory = "default"
content_favorites_path = "/retroarch/content_favorites.lpl"
content_favorites_size = "200"
content_history_dir = ""
content_history_directory = "default"
content_history_path = "/retroarch/content_history.lpl"
content_history_size = "200"
content_image_history_directory = "default"
content_image_history_path = "/retroarch/content_image_history.lpl"
content_music_history_directory = "default"
content_music_history_path = "/retroarch/content_music_history.lpl"
content_runtime_log = "true"
content_runtime_log_aggregate = "false"
content_show_add = "true"
content_show_add_entry = "2"
content_show_contentless_cores = "2"
content_show_explore = "true"
content_show_favorites = "true"
content_show_history = "true"
content_show_music = "true"
content_show_netplay = "true"
content_show_playlists = "true"
content_show_settings = "true"
content_show_settings_password = ""
content_video_directory = "default"
content_video_history_path = "/retroarch/content_video_history.lpl"
core_assets_directory = "/retroarch/downloads"
core_info_cache_enable = "true"
core_option_category_enable = "true"
core_options_path = ""
core_set_supports_no_game_enable = "true"
core_updater_auto_backup = "false"
core_updater_auto_backup_history_size = "1"
core_updater_auto_extract_archive = "true"
core_updater_buildbot_assets_url = "http://buildbot.libretro.com/assets/"
core_updater_buildbot_cores_url = "http://buildbot.libretro.com/nightly/nintendo/switch/libnx/latest/"
core_updater_show_experimental_cores = "false"
crt_switch_center_adjust = "0"
crt_switch_hires_menu = "false"
crt_switch_porch_adjust = "0"
crt_switch_resolution = "0"
crt_switch_resolution_super = "2560"
crt_switch_resolution_use_custom_refresh_rate = "false"
crt_switch_timings = ""
crt_video_refresh_rate = "59.940060"
current_resolution_id = "0"
cursor_directory = "/retroarch/database/cursors"
custom_viewport_height = "1080"
custom_viewport_width = "1440"
custom_viewport_x = "240"
custom_viewport_y = "0"
desktop_menu_enable = "true"
discord_allow = "false"
discord_app_id = "475456035851599874"
driver_switch_enable = "true"
dynamic_wallpapers_directory = "default"
enable_device_vibration = "false"
facebook_stream_key = ""
fastforward_frameskip = "true"
fastforward_ratio = "0.000000"
filter_by_current_core = "false"
flicker_filter_enable = "false"
flicker_filter_index = "0"
fps_show = "false"
fps_update_interval = "256"
frame_time_counter_reset_after_fastforwarding = "false"
frame_time_counter_reset_after_load_state = "false"
frame_time_counter_reset_after_save_state = "false"
framecount_show = "false"
frontend_log_level = "1"
game_specific_options = "true"
gamemode_enable = "true"
gamma_correction = "0"
global_core_options = "false"
history_list_enable = "true"
input_ai_service = "nul"
input_ai_service_axis = "nul"
input_ai_service_btn = "nul"
input_ai_service_mbtn = "nul"
input_analog_deadzone = "0.000000"
input_analog_sensitivity = "1.000000"
input_audio_mute = "f9"
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input_audio_mute_mbtn = "nul"
input_auto_game_focus = "0"
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input_autodetect_enable = "true"
input_axis_threshold = "0.500000"
input_bind_hold = "2"
input_bind_timeout = "3"
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input_disk_next_mbtn = "nul"
input_disk_prev = "nul"
input_disk_prev_axis = "nul"
input_disk_prev_btn = "nul"
input_disk_prev_mbtn = "nul"
input_driver = "switch"
input_duty_cycle = "3"
input_enable_hotkey = "nul"
input_enable_hotkey_axis = "nul"
input_enable_hotkey_btn = "2"
input_enable_hotkey_mbtn = "nul"
input_exit_emulator = "escape"
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input_exit_emulator_mbtn = "nul"
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input_grab_mouse_toggle_btn = "nul"
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input_hold_slowmotion = "e"
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input_hold_slowmotion_btn = "nul"
input_hold_slowmotion_mbtn = "nul"
input_hotkey_block_delay = "5"
input_joypad_driver = "switch"
input_keyboard_layout = ""
input_libretro_device_p1 = "1"
input_libretro_device_p10 = "1"
input_libretro_device_p11 = "1"
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input_libretro_device_p8 = "1"
input_libretro_device_p9 = "1"
input_load_state = "f4"
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input_load_state_btn = "13"
input_load_state_mbtn = "nul"
input_max_users = "5"
input_menu_toggle = "f1"
input_menu_toggle_axis = "nul"
input_menu_toggle_btn = "nul"
input_menu_toggle_gamepad_combo = "4"
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input_movie_record_toggle = "o"
input_movie_record_toggle_axis = "nul"
input_movie_record_toggle_btn = "nul"
input_movie_record_toggle_mbtn = "nul"
input_netplay_fade_chat_toggle = "nul"
input_netplay_fade_chat_toggle_axis = "nul"
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input_netplay_fade_chat_toggle_mbtn = "nul"
input_netplay_game_watch = "i"
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input_netplay_game_watch_btn = "nul"
input_netplay_game_watch_mbtn = "nul"
input_netplay_host_toggle = "nul"
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input_netplay_ping_toggle_mbtn = "nul"
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input_netplay_player_chat_btn = "nul"
input_netplay_player_chat_mbtn = "nul"
input_osk_toggle = "f12"
input_osk_toggle_axis = "nul"
input_osk_toggle_btn = "nul"
input_osk_toggle_mbtn = "nul"
input_overlay = ""
input_overlay_abxy_diagonal_sensitivity = "50"
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input_overlay_aspect_adjust_portrait = "0.000000"
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input_overlay_auto_scale = "false"
input_overlay_behind_menu = "false"
input_overlay_center_x = "0.500000"
input_overlay_center_y = "0.500000"
input_overlay_dpad_diagonal_sensitivity = "80"
input_overlay_enable = "true"
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input_overlay_y_offset_portrait = "0.000000"
input_overlay_y_separation_landscape = "0.000000"
input_overlay_y_separation_portrait = "0.000000"
input_pause_toggle = "p"
input_pause_toggle_axis = "nul"
input_pause_toggle_btn = "nul"
input_pause_toggle_mbtn = "nul"
input_poll_type_behavior = "2"
input_quit_gamepad_combo = "0"
input_recording_toggle = "nul"
input_recording_toggle_axis = "nul"
input_recording_toggle_btn = "nul"
input_recording_toggle_mbtn = "nul"
input_remap_binds_enable = "true"
input_remapping_directory = "/retroarch/config/remaps"
input_reset = "h"
input_reset_axis = "nul"
input_reset_btn = "nul"
input_reset_mbtn = "nul"
input_rewind = "r"
input_rewind_axis = "nul"
input_rewind_btn = "12"
input_rewind_mbtn = "nul"
input_rumble_gain = "100"
input_runahead_toggle = "nul"
input_runahead_toggle_axis = "nul"
input_runahead_toggle_btn = "nul"
input_runahead_toggle_mbtn = "nul"
input_save_state = "f2"
input_save_state_axis = "nul"
input_save_state_btn = "15"
input_save_state_mbtn = "nul"
input_screenshot = "f8"
input_screenshot_axis = "nul"
input_screenshot_btn = "nul"
input_screenshot_mbtn = "nul"
input_send_debug_info = "f10"
input_send_debug_info_axis = "nul"
input_send_debug_info_btn = "nul"
input_send_debug_info_mbtn = "nul"
input_sensors_enable = "true"
input_shader_next = "m"
input_shader_next_axis = "nul"
input_shader_next_btn = "nul"
input_shader_next_mbtn = "nul"
input_shader_prev = "n"
input_shader_prev_axis = "nul"
input_shader_prev_btn = "nul"
input_shader_prev_mbtn = "nul"
input_state_slot_decrease = "f6"
input_toggle_slowmotion_btn = "nul"
input_toggle_slowmotion_mbtn = "nul"
input_toggle_statistics = "nul"
input_toggle_statistics_axis = "nul"
input_toggle_statistics_btn = "nul"
input_toggle_statistics_mbtn = "nul"
input_toggle_vrr_runloop = "nul"
input_toggle_vrr_runloop_axis = "nul"
input_toggle_vrr_runloop_btn = "nul"
input_toggle_vrr_runloop_mbtn = "nul"
input_touch_scale = "1"
input_turbo_default_button = "0"
input_turbo_mode = "0"
input_turbo_period = "6"
input_volume_down = "subtract"
input_volume_down_axis = "nul"
input_volume_down_btn = "nul"
input_volume_down_mbtn = "nul"
input_volume_up = "add"
input_volume_up_axis = "nul"
input_volume_up_btn = "nul"
input_volume_up_mbtn = "nul"
joypad_autoconfig_dir = "/retroarch/autoconfig"
keyboard_gamepad_enable = "true"
keyboard_gamepad_mapping_type = "1"
kiosk_mode_enable = "false"
kiosk_mode_password = ""
led_driver = "null"
libnx_overclock = "3"
libretro_directory = "/retroarch/cores"
libretro_info_path = "/retroarch/info"
libretro_log_level = "1"
libretro_path = "/retroarch/cores/mame2003_plus_libretro_libnx.nro"
load_dummy_on_core_shutdown = "false"
location_allow = "false"
location_driver = "null"
log_dir = "/retroarch/logs"
log_to_file = "false"
log_to_file_timestamp = "false"
log_verbosity = "false"
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memory_update_interval = "256"
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menu_show_reboot = "true"
menu_show_restart_retroarch = "true"
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menu_show_sublabels = "true"
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midi_input = "Off"
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netplay_allow_pausing = "false"
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netplay_share_analog = "0"
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recording_config_directory = "/retroarch/records_config"
recording_output_directory = "/retroarch/records"
remap_save_on_exit = "true"
resampler_directory = ""
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runtime_log_directory = "default"
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savestate_directory = "/retroarch/savestates"
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screenshots_in_content_dir = "false"
settings_show_accessibility = "true"
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settings_show_ai_service = "true"
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sort_savestates_enable = "true"
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It sounds like there’s a problem with your info file parsing. When you go to load a core, does it say, for example, Nintendo - Super Nintendo (bsnes)? or does it say bsnes_libretro.so?

If you can navigate your filesystem, try looking in your info directory and see if there’s an info.cache (I think that’s the name of the file). If so, delete it.

Also, stop by settings > directory and make sure your ‘info’ directory is pointing to a real location and that all of your core info files are inside of it.

Hi hunterk,

When it says “Core” at the bottom left of the screen,

  • “PUA (4.9.1 cca44” or,
  • VecX (1.2)

When I press “Start” there is no white text showing the core. Is this where the problem lies ?

I only had that at the beginning.

Do you mean the display of the “Core”, at the bottom left, where the version number of RetroArch is also written, or when the “Core” is loaded and I press “Start” and a white text should appear?

When I load the “Core” where I reset, the message appears, “Commodore - Amiga PUAE” or something, not the file name of the core.

I deleted the “core_info.cache” file and also the “Info” folder. Unfortunately that doesn’t help. I also read back a backup from the “Info” folder. I made the backup when I could. I also read back the “Cores” folder from the backup, without success.

The Info directory is as standard up: “\retroarch\info”

Hmm, are you using exfat filesystem, by chance?


Yes, exactly ! But only the firmware exFat support. The Micro SD card is FAT32 formatted.

Currently switching to FAT32 firmware.

1 Like

I have now installed the firmware v15.0.0 on “only” FAT32.

But that didn’t help, as I had strongly suspected that this was the reason.

In addition, I did the following things again:

  • “Cores” updated
  • “Cores” re-downloaded under RetroArch.
  • All *.cfg deleted in directory “config”.
  • All “Savestates” & “Savefiles” deleted.
  • “core_info.cache” file deleted.
  • File “retroarch.cfg” deleted.

Now try to delete all files in the “Retroarch” folder and read back from the backup, where everything still worked.

After that I’ll go to bed and test it tomorrow.

What really surprises me is why is there no longer a message in the white text about which core you are using, when I press “Start”. This message no longer comes. That might have something to do with it?

I have now read back the entire “retroarch” folder from the backup. And now it works again, saving. Also, the white text appears again when pressing “Start” with the core name. Besides, works with firmware “exFat” support.



Getting the same issue on a fresh install with version 1.14, there is defenetly something wrong with recent version with save sates

I tried on 2 different SD card on fresh install, in FAT32 and not and it’S always the same, even after updating all cores, files or anything. I google it and i’Am not the only one, everybody are saying it’S a bug on the last versions. I installed the 1.9.14 and it’S working fine. I don’t know where between 1.9.14 and 1.14 the bug appear, but it’S there.

Let us know if you fix it.

Thanks for this great app!

Is this on Switch? If so, you need to load the core(s) once manually (i.e., without using a playlist) and then it’ll find the info files.

We don’t know why it’s doing that, but that’s the workaround.

Ok, thanks for the workaround, when I get a chance I will retest it.

Yes, it’S on the Switch.