Cores MAME

Hi. Why are there so many Cores MAME? Stable, 171, 157. Testing, 174, 2003, 2010, 2014

MAME always updates, changing their ROMs and getting slower. We have snapshots that correspond to certain requirements and/or ROMsets. 2000 uses the romset from iMAME4all, 2003 is the last really fast version before they did a major redesign. 2010 uses the v0.139 romset that is popular on mobile MAME versions, 2014 is the last one before they drastically changed their build system that screwed up a bunch of stuff for us.

I get it. I want to define some games Mame in RetroArch. Ubuntu PC. Do you recommend version 2014 (0.159)?

The roomset and 0.159 chd is hard to find. Currently I have the 0.176. Is there any way to lower it?

On that note, was the 2014 core ever compiled for Mac?

Or… any way I can get a version of the current core before the video display became borked?

@Trevor_Z I/we don’t have any old copies lying around, no. However, you could try compiling it from source yourself. Libretro cores are quite easy to compile, generally, though there’s obviously something problematic happening if it’s not on the buildbot already.

@alexb3d 2014 is good, yeah. You can use clrmamepro to downgrade a set if you have the DATs for the set you have and the set you want.

Thanks hunterk


Yeah, I compiled Retroarch itself once, but never tried it with a core.

But, indeed, if the 2014 core isn’t available on the buildbot, maybe just compiling won’t cut it.